
How do I search a username on Discord?

How do I search a username on Discord?

The first thing you will notice when you open the Discord app and go to the home screen is the search bar. This search bar is on the top of the menu. If you type any name or the first letters of the name you are looking for, Discord will show you a list of all the users that have that name.

How do you find people on Discord without adding them?

You can search ID on the search bar of discord from desktop. When you search up the ID, it’ll direct you to all post from that person. But if it doesn’t show anything, it just means that the person never posted in it. So it’ll show up empty in the search bar when you try to find information on that person.

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How do you search on discord?

Open the Discord app on your computer. Click the Explore Public Servers icon that looks like a compass. You will land on the official Discord server directory’s front page with a search bar at the top and several popular Discord servers underneath, such as those dedicated to the Fortnite video game and Minecraft.

How do I find someone else’s Discord server?

Checking Mutual Servers Of A Discord User

  1. Open Discord.
  2. Expand a server’s Member List or go to your Friend List.
  3. Find the user, right-click their name, and select Profile.
  4. Once the user’s profile is open, click Mutual Servers.

What’s the biggest Discord server?

The most popular Discord servers

Rank Server Name Members
1 Fortnite 827,000
2 Genshin Impact 800,000
2 Minecraft 800,000
2 Valorant 800,000

How do I get back into a Discord server I left?

If you accidentally leave a server how do you find it and join it again? You could try Direct Messaging someone and asking for another invite. Or you’d have to contact them through whatever channel you got the invite from in the first place. Whatever your method, you need to get another invite.

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Can your friends see what Discord servers you are in?

Can other people see what Discord servers you are in? No, only people who share the same servers with you can see what servers you are in on Discord. Both people have to share the same server, for Discord to share which servers you are in.

Is there a friend limit on discord?

1000 is the limit for friends and request at any given time.

How to get user ID on Discord?

Open Discord

  • Go to the server from which you want to find people’s Discord ID
  • Go to the member’s section and look for the username of the person,whose user ID you want to find
  • Once found,simply right click on the username and you will find a new option called Copy ID
  • Clicking on the Copy ID button will copy the username ID to the clipboard
  • How to find your discord ID?

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    On Discord,go to Settings> Advanced

  • Scroll down and make sure that Developer Mode is on
  • Exit your settings and type a message in any channel on any server
  • Right-click your profile picture and click ‘Copy ID’,as seen below:
  • Where can I Find my discord ID?

    Discord ID is your nickname on discord with 4 digits. It can be found at the bottom left corner of your discord app left to the mute mic/sound/options buttons.

    How to find server id on Discord?

    Make sure you have Developer mode enabled. You’ll find Developer Mode in User Settings > Advanced.

  • Copypasta time. In the right-click menu for any of the fields you’ve selected,you’ll see the “Copy ID” option.
  • Bonus Round: Copying a Direct Message channel ID. For either group or individual DMs,the process is a little different.
  • Enabling Developer Mode – Mobile App. To start,you’ll want to enable Developer Mode.
  • Obtaining IDs – Mobile App. After you’ve enabled Developer Mode,you can grab the information needed. The process is different,depending on the IDs that you need.