
What happened to Wollers eye in dark?

What happened to Wollers eye in dark?

He appears only in the 2019–20 timeframe, where he is portrayed by Leopold Hornung. In 2019 he wears a bandage wrapped around his head covering his right eye with visible wounds on his nose and face. The incident which caused injury to his eye is unknown.

What happened to the eye in dark?

Dark fans will remember how Winden policeman Wöller ended up spending most of season one with his eye bandaged up after having a nasty off-screen accident. Season two seemed to continue the mystery this year with Wöller now wearing glasses with a blacked out lens.

Who is Hannah’s husband in dark?

2020 – Michael Kahnwald was the father of Jonas and the husband of Hannah. He mysteriously killed himself in 2019 with a warning to his family about the upcoming apocalypse. His death sparked Jonas’ deep dive into time travel. 1986 – Michael Kahnwald was born Mikkel Nielsen.

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Who was Benni in dark?

Anton Rubtsov
Dark (TV Series 2017–2020) – Anton Rubtsov as Benni, Bernadette, Transvestite Benni – IMDb.

How did Silja get to the future?

Adam then took Silja to the future to be with Elisabeth and so completed the cycle. So, Silja’s existence is down to the twisty time travel story running through Dark and is a product of two different timelines with Hannah going from the present-day to the 50s.

Why did Claudia disappear in dark?

Claudia’s bloodline was largely free from time traveling paradoxes. It could simply be that in the origin timeline Claudia was destined to die of old age while her daughter was an adult. Her death could also be seen as the necessary sacrifice for her meddling in these worlds and times for so long.

Who is Hannah’s baby in dark?

Silja was conceived as the illegitimate daughter of Egon Tiedemann and Hannah Kahnwald in 1954. Her mother initially sought to abort her, but she decided to keep the pregnancy at the last minute. Hannah decides she needs no one and travels back to 1987, and later gives birth to Silja in 1988.

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What happened to Torben Woller eye?

It’s possible Woller’s eye and arm (in Martha’s world) injury were caused by an accident related to the moving of the barrels. It can’t be police-related because Charlotte asks him what happened in season 2, implying the people he works with don’t know the truth behind his eye patch.

What happened to Wohlers eye?

What happened to Woller’s eye? In Jonas’ world, Woller nearly explained the accident in season two before he was interrupted. Then, in the very last scene of “Dark,” the Woller from the origin world almost told the story again. But his explanation was cut off by a power surge, leaving this one final tease of a mystery.

What happened to Torben Wöller eye?

Torben Wöller is a member of the Winden Police in seasons 1 and 2 of Dark. He appears only in the 2019–20 timeframe, where he is portrayed by Leopold Hornung. In 2019 he wears a bandage wrapped around his head covering his right eye with visible wounds on his nose and face. In 2020 he is using a right-side eye patch covering his deformed eye.

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Who is Torben Wöller in dark?

Torben Wöller is a member of the Winden Police in seasons 1 and 2 of Dark. He appears only in the 2019–20 timeframe, where he is portrayed by Leopold Hornung . In 2019 he wears a bandage wrapped around his head covering his right eye with visible wounds on his nose and face.

What happened to John Woller’s eye in Season 2?

It’s possible Woller’s eye and arm (in Martha’s world) injury were caused by an accident related to the moving of the barrels. It can’t be police-related because Charlotte asks him what happened in season 2, implying the people he works with don’t know the truth behind his eye patch.

What happened to mark Woller on ‘dark’?

In fact, Woller’s injury became a running gag in the show as every time he tries to explain what happened, he’s interrupted by something. While Dark isn’t known for its humor, Woller provided tiny light-hearted moments that the creators and viewers could share.