
What does eating meat do to you spiritually?

What does eating meat do to you spiritually?

If you are truly spiritual, then you know that whatever you think is what is. If you eat meat and you feel you are absorbing the pain and suffering of the animal, then you are absorbing its pain and suffering and you carry it as your own.

What foods lower your vibration?

Topping the list are all fruits, then dark leafy green vegetables like kale, collard greens, and spinach. The lowest vibration foods are made with refined white flour (like bread, pastries, and bagels) and have chemical sweeteners (like Splenda).

What foods are high vibrational?

Top 10 Foods for Raising Your Vibration

  • Green Leafy Vegetables. Lettuces, kale, arugula, collard greens, chard, etc., these guys are bursting with high vibration energy – you’re literally eating the energy of the sun.
  • Fresh Berries.
  • Sprouts.
  • Fresh herbs.
  • Spices.
  • Beans & Legumes.
  • Nuts & Seeds.
  • Blue Green Algae.
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Does a plant based diet raise your vibration?

Not only is eating a plant-based diet good for the planet, our fellow animals, it also raises my vibration positively, so that I, in turn, can infuse a little bit more of the divine back into the world around me. It creates an awesome feedback loop, important for my spiritual evolution.

Is being vegan spiritual?

Veganism and vegetarianism are either intrinsic to some core spiritual beliefs — or the use of meat, fish, etc. is so ingrained in some religious traditions — that they may be deemed outrageous or blasphemous to question the presence of dead animals on one’s dinner plate, regardless of how sacred and miraculous life is …

Why being vegan is spiritual?

When we are loving to all people and all forms of life, we are on the way back to God. Those who have been successful on the spiritual path know that vegetarianism aids meditation and spiritual progress. Once we realize the divinity that enlivens all forms on our planet, we will spread peace and love wherever we go.

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Will eating meat give me more energy?

Beef Liver Without enough vitamin B12, your energy can lag. This is one of the best sources. It also has loads of protein to keep you fueled for a long time. If you just can’t do liver, you can get your B12 from meat, poultry, fish, and eggs.

Does eating less meat give you more energy?

That’s because you’re missing an important source of protein and iron, both of which give you energy. The body absorbs more iron from meat than other foods, but it’s not your only choice.

Does eating meat lower body vibration?

Yes, sure, eating meat lowers body vibration first, then in time brings down also soul vibration it’s that simple, it’s only basic physics of Creation. I experienced this directly and lots of other advanced seekers. Eating meat means first killing and then eating corpses of other animals as also humans bodies are actually.

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What is the energy of the meat you eat?

Eating is a form of energy exchange, an alchemy. At the finer levels of vibration, the meat has crystalized energy of the animal and the animal’s experiences. Many animals experience great fear or trauma when they are slaughtered. This frequency is part of the meat.

What is the best diet for vibration vibration?

Minerals are even lower as vibration in 1D vibration and they also have in their range a hierarchy, but it’s not relevant for this subject. Since eating stones is not that easy, eating greens, fruits and vegetables (2D) is the obvious choice that brings a minimal negative impact on your body energy fields.

Do spiritual people eat meat and fish?

There are spiritual people who have developped abilities, yet eat meat and such. There are those that strictly do not eat meat and fish because they believe it will impact their growth or maybe they believe that there are karmic implications. I disagree with the person that said you should stop saying “vibrations”.