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How long is Marine basic training 2021?

How long is Marine basic training 2021?

13 weeks
This program is 13 weeks in length, and it is one of the most physically and mentally demanding basic training programs in the United States military. The Marines are one of the first lines of defense when America’s freedom is at stake.

How hard is Marines basic training?

Marine Corps basic training has the reputation of being the toughest of all the services. It most certainly is the longest, at about 12 1/2 weeks. It has been said time and time again by former Marines that Marine Corps recruit training was the most difficult thing they ever had to do in their entire lives.

What do you eat in Marine boot camp?

Most military chow halls today include an extensive salad bar, a station for full meals such as fried chicken, seafood, Mexican food and pastas, along with a snack line that includes hamburgers, hot dogs, chili, fries and other junk-food items. Plus, you’re allowed to consume sodas and dessert!

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How much money do you leave Marine boot camp with?

In 2018, the marine boot camp pay is $1,479.30 monthly or $17,752 annually. This salary applies throughout boot camp for personnel at the rank of E-1 who have less than four months of active duty.

What should I do to prepare for Army basic training?

Basic Training is not designed to wash you out it is designed to make you a soldier. The people there will teach you, that’s their job. You don’t have to go to basic being proficient as a basic soldier, you just have to come out proficient. As long as you put in the effort, maintain a positive attitude,…

How long does training to be an US Marine take?

Initially, Marines faced a two-month training schedule that included three weeks of indoctrination, three weeks on the rifle range and two weeks of bayonet drills, guard duty, drills and ceremonies. Basic training has changed from anywhere between four weeks to 10 weeks until increasing to the current 13-week program.

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How long does it take to get in the Marines?

Marine biologists must complete at least a bachelor’s degree, which takes about four years. Marine biologists who pursue master’s degrees may take an additional two to three years to complete their education, and earning a PhD will take up to six years more.

How long is from the recruiter to basic training?

Basic Training is about 8 1/2 weeks long and technical schools range from 6 to 52 weeks, depending on your career. The average time away is about 18 to 20 weeks. Ask your recruiter about training time for specific careers.