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Who was the greatest military leader?

Who was the greatest military leader?

1. Alexander the Great 2. Julius Caesar 3. Genghis Khan 4. Napoleon

  • Alexander the Great.
  • Julius Caesar.
  • Genghis Khan.

Who was the leader in medieval Europe?

Charlemagne (c. 742-814), also known as Karl and Charles the Great, was a medieval emperor who ruled much of Western Europe from 768 to 814. In 771, Charlemagne became king of the Franks, a Germanic tribe in present-day Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and western Germany.

Why is Napoleon the best general?

Among all generals, Napoleon had the highest WAR (16.679) by a large margin. In fact, the next highest performer, Julius Caesar (7.445 WAR), had less than half the WAR accumulated by Napoleon across his battles. Napoleon benefited from the large number of battles in which he led forces.

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What is a military leader?

Military leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation. Command is the authority a person in the military service lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of his rank and assignment or position.

What did the king do in medieval Europe?

A king’s most important responsibility was to establish order and keep the peace, by force if necessary. This included the duty to fight foreign invaders, to keep the nobles from fighting each other when possible, and to suppress crime and banditry.

Who did Napoleon think was the greatest?

While he never officially ranked the seven commanders, Napoleon himself, along with many other historians, seemed to consider Alexander the best. “I place Alexander in the first rank,” Napoleon told Bourrienne.

Why were medieval kings so powerful?

Medieval kings became more powerful during the 1200s because of the series of Crusades that drained the wealth and power of their lords and vassals. …

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Why did rulers in the medieval period encouraged temple building?

As each new dynasty came to power, kings/emperors wanted to emphasise their moral right to be rulers. So constructing places of worship provided rulers with the chance to proclaim their close relationship with God, especially important in an age of rapid political change.

Who were the best soldiers of the Middle Ages?

This is a list of the best of the best – the 12 most impressive soldiers of the middle ages. A mamluk was a slave soldier who converted to Islam and served the Muslim caliphs and the Ayyubid sultans during the Middle Ages. Over time, they became a powerful military caste often defeating the Crusaders.

Who is the greatest European leader of all time?

Influential Leaders in European History 1 Julius Caesar c.100 – 44 BCE. A great general and statesman, Caesar would probably still be highly revered even if he hadn’t written histories of his own great conquests. 2 Clovis c. 466 – 511m. 3 Otto von Bismarck 1815 – 1898. 4 Stalin 1879 – 1953.

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How were military leaders recruited in the Middle Ages?

As a result, the whole structure of military command revolved around the royal court. It was from there that most leaders were recruited. Whatever his social station, a man’s best chance of leading an army came from being recognized at court. Philip the Bold in later life, after Jean Malouel.

Who were some of the greatest military leaders of the 14th century?

Men such as Bertrand du Guesclin and Sir Thomas Dagworth gained prominence through merit more than birth, becoming commanders of royal armies. Battle of Agincourt in 1415. Though thinking on military leadership was less sophisticated that it has since become, there were still popular books and theories.