
Can a plane just stay still in the air?

Can a plane just stay still in the air?

Techincally, there is only one way for the aircraft to remain hanging motionless in the air: if weight and lift cancel each other out perfectly, and at the same time thrust and drag cancel each other out too. But this is incredibly rare. To stay in the air and sustain its flight, an aircraft needs to be moving forward.

Why do planes sometimes stay still in the air?

For a plane to stay in the air, the lift force needs to overcome the force of gravity. Additionally, the thrust must overcome the drag force, which resists the plane’s motion through the air.

Can planes stop in mid air?

No. Airflow over the wings is needed to generate lift. When the plane flies too slow or even “stops” midair there will be no lift and the plane falls out of the sky. This is called a stall and can be very dangerous, as no airflow goes over the control surfaces, making the plane practically out of control.

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Can you open the door during flight?

While the news never fails to report these events, it seldom mentions the most important fact: you cannot open the doors or emergency hatches of an airplane in flight. You can’t open them for the simple reason that cabin pressure won’t allow it. An open door would create a catastrophic “explosive decompression”.

How do airplanes stay in the air?

Airplanes need four forces to fly. Lift is one of them. Image Credit: NASA . How do airplanes stay in the air? Four forces keep an airplane in the sky. They are lift, weight, thrust and drag. Lift pushes the airplane up. The way air moves around the wings gives the airplane lift. The shape of the wings helps with lift, too.

How does physics keep airplanes aloft?

Thankfully, the physics that keeps an airplane aloft is a bit more down to earth. In simple terms, planes are held aloft by lift, the force generated when air flows over and under an airplane wing simultaneously. Air travels faster over the curved top of the wing than below it. That reduces air pressure on the wing from above.

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What forces do airplanes need to fly?

Airplanes need four forces to fly. Lift is one of them. Image Credit: NASA How do airplanes stay in the air? Four forces keep an airplane in the sky. They are lift, weight, thrust and drag. Lift pushes the airplane up. The way air moves around the wings gives the

How does the shape of an airplane help it fly?

The way air moves around the wings gives the airplane lift. The shape of the wings helps with lift, too. Weight is the force that pulls the airplane toward Earth. Airplanes are built so that their weight is spread from front to back.