
What is your realization about God?

What is your realization about God?

But I worship God as Truth only. I have not yet found Him, but I am seeking after Him. But as long as I have not realized this Absolute Truth, so long must I hold by the relative truth as I have conceived it. That relative truth must, meanwhile, be my beacon, my shield and buckler.

Why self-realization is major part of our life?

Self-realization holds a significant position in life as it helps us understand the real clichés of an issue. If we are aptly enlightened with the concept of self-realization nobody can ever drag us into any heated scene of disagreement. Even criticism should be constructive at all times.

What is your defining moment in Your Life?

Tell us about a defining moment in your life. It can be an experience that shaped your values, a conversation that determined your career, an event that changed the course of your life or anything else that you believe has defined who you are.

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How do you Shape Your Life?

Be still, and allow things to settle both inside and outside. Then, gain focus, and act with full strength, speed and precision. That the only thing that shapes your life is your perception of it.

How can I become the sharpest version of myself?

Invest in things that help you become the sharpest version of you. Maybe it’s a new computer, a ticket to a conference, a book, or class. You will reap the returns. We’re all just passing through. Some people, places, and events in your life are shipwrecks. Don’t keep dragging them behind you. Cut them off and swim away.

How does a decision Change Your Life?

Each choice shapes what is to come in some small way, but occasionally, a decision has the magnitude to be life changing. This kind of moment can change who we are and what we value, with reverberations throughout our careers and personal lives.