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Which Marvel character can survive a black hole?

Which Marvel character can survive a black hole?

Stardust (Marvel Comics)

Team affiliations Heralds of Galactus United Front
Supporting character of Silver Surfer
Abilities Power Cosmic Superhuman strength, stamina, reflexes, and durability Energy absorption and alteration Exceed the speed of light Can create black hole and inter-dimensional portals Immortality

Can Thor survive a black hole?

Yes Thor can survive a black hole whatever mjolnir can tank so can Thor Red Hulk was being pulled into the event horizon The event horizon of a black hole is the point of no return. Anything that passes this point will be swallowed by the black hole and forever vanish from our known universe.

What heroes could survive a black hole?

Any heroes with very powerful healing factors such as deadpool or wolverines might survive but there is almost now way they could get out and it would probably be the most torturous thing you could do to t Almost all cosmic level entities could survive a black hole. While I don’t know of any who have entered and returned it just makes sense.

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Could Deadpool or Deadpool survive a black hole?

Actually Scratch wolverine. He has been shown to have died through drowning and lack or air which would kill his brain which is the source of his healing factor. But deadpool and upwards could survive a black hole. Hope you enjoyed this answer! , Gifted the ultimate stash of old comics when I was 12.

Did Galactus and inbetweener ever fight around black holes?

Inbetweener and Galactus fought around a black hole in one of the early issues of Silver Surfer but they do have the get-out-of-physics card and it was really more of a wormhole to the dimension where Chaos and Order are the primary powers.