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What do INTPs find annoying?

What do INTPs find annoying?

INTPs have little patience for gossip or the latest celebrity “dish”. They find this kind of conversation irritating, trivial, and meaningless. One INTP said “I find it not only superficial, but extremely annoying as well. It’s hard for me to respect someone if they gossip too much.”

Are INTP easily irritated?

INTPs definitely experience feelings of anger, but this isn’t always something they express outwardly. For them it is easier to focus on logic and critical thinking, where feelings can become a bit confusing and tricky for them.

What annoys INTPs the most?

Ignorance of any kind annoys the INTP. You immediately turn off from people who assume they know all the facts about a situation when usually they know none of them. You’re highly tolerant of difference and can be mercilessly blunt, cutting and sarcastic with those who express personal bias, irrational judgment, or insincere views.

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Do INTPs hate being told what to do?

INTPs tend to be fiercely independent people who hate being told they “should” act in a different way than they do. In some ways, this point goes along with INTPs finding pointless social norms annoying.

How can you annoy each personality type?

Here is how you can annoy each personality type. Disrespectful people is one of the most annoying things for an INFJ. If someone is being rude or obnoxious, and trying to take over a situation, INFJs will become extremely frustrated. They dislike arrogance and selfishness, and simply want people to respect and care for one another.

How would you describe an INTP?

Some might describe the INTP as the smartest personality type—rational, creative, and ceaselessly curious. Others might describe him as an insufferable know-it-all who can never admit he is wrong. One thing’s for sure—the INTP divides opinion.
