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What degree do you need to be a logician?

What degree do you need to be a logician?

The study of logic is interdisciplinary and an undergraduate degree in mathematics, philosophy, computer science, electronics engineering or linguistics is often the first step toward earning an advanced level degree in logic. Pursue a master’s degree in logic.

How do I become a logician?

Recently computer science has joined that list. Thus you can become a logician by direct study of logic or by studying one of the overlapping subjects and there concentrating on logic. Most of those now categorised as logicians arrived there by the indirect cut pathway.

Is philosophy related to mathematics?

Historically, there have been strong links between mathematics and philosophy; logic, an important branch of both subjects, provides a natural bridge between the two, as does the Philosophy of mathematics module.

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What degree do you need to study logic?

The study of logic is interdisciplinary and an undergraduate degree in mathematics, philosophy, computer science, electronics engineering or linguistics is often the first step toward earning an advanced level degree in logic. Pursue a master’s degree in logic.

What are the best universities for studying logic in the world?

Carnegie Mellon’s degree in logic focuses on computation, and the program is called Logic and Computation. Upenn focuses on computation (mathematical logic) as well, and its program is called Logic, Information and Computation. The London School of Economics program is called Philosophy, Logic abd the Scientific Method.

What is the difference between pure logic and Applied Logic?

Applied logic includes algorithms, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, operations research and mathematical and computer programming systems. Pure logic includes dominantly theoretical and augmentative studies, such as philosophy of mathematics or philosophy of logic. Get a doctoral degree in applied or pure logic.

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What colleges offer a bachelor’s degree in logic and computation?

Carnegie Mellon and the University of Penn are two colleges that offer a bachelor’s degree in logic and computation. However, there are not many undergraduate programs in the United States that carry the word “logic” in their degrees.