What does leaking filling mean?

What does leaking filling mean?

A leaky filling is a filling that doesn’t fit snugly against your tooth on all sides. The technical term for it is microleakage. Any gaps between the filling and your tooth allow saliva, bacteria, and food particles to enter.

How do you tell if a filling needs to be replaced?

To help you protect your smile, teeth, and gums, here are 6 signs your filling may need to be replaced:

  1. The Filling is Cracked.
  2. Your Tooth Hurts.
  3. You Have Sensitivity When You Drink Cold Beverages.
  4. Your Filling is Discolored.
  5. You Were Injured.
  6. Your Filling is Old.

How long should a tooth filling last?

On average, you can expect a metal filling to last for about 15 years before needing to be replaced, but the length of time can vary based on several factors, such as if you grind or clench your teeth. Tooth-colored fillings are made from a mixture of fine glass and plastic particles.

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Should I let my dentist replace my fillings?

However, there are some patients and even some dentists that may recommend replacing amalgam fillings. This can be for aesthetic purposes or if a filling needs replacement due to wear over time. While it may not be necessary from a safety perspective, it’s really not a difficult process to replace a filling if a patient chooses to.

What to do about a failed dental filling?

Call your dentist to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

  • Keep the filling so the dentist can determine whether to reuse it.
  • Gargle with salt water to keep the area clean and remove any food debris from the tooth.
  • Take care of the tooth with your dental hygiene routine.
  • Avoid chewing on the area of the exposed tooth.
  • Why do dental fillings need to be replaced?

    If your dental fillings are defective or show decay, it’s important to replace them. Untreated decay may eventually lead to an infection (abscess). In some cases, replacing a dental filling may benefit the long-term health of your tooth.

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    Does my dental filling need to be replaced?

    While dental fillings can last a long time, they don’t last forever. Eventually, all fillings need to be replaced. To avoid pain or extensive procedures as a result of a failed filling, remember to see your dentist regularly so that problems with your fillings can be discovered at an early stage.