
Can two vectors of different magnitude combine to give zero resultant?

Can two vectors of different magnitude combine to give zero resultant?

Yes , two unequal vectors can have zero resultant.

Can two vectors of different magnitudes combined to give zero resultant will it be possible with the help of three vectors?

No, two vectors of different magnitudes can not give zero resultant. Three vectors can give zero resultant but two vectors can not. This is because the effect of vectors cancels out only when they act in the opposite direction and have the same magnitude.

Can you add two vectors of unequal magnitudes and get zero?

No it is not possible to obtain zero by adding two vectors of unequal magnitudes. Sum of two vectors can only be zero if they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

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Can three unequal vectors add to zero?

Two unequal vectors can never give zero vector by addition . But three unequal vectors when added may give zero vector .

Can two vectors with different magnitudes add up to zero How about three vectors explain using examples?

Yes , when the sum ( resultant) of any two of them is equal and opposite to the third one. That is if (a + b +c )=0 then we have a + b = -c or a + c = – b or b + c = – a . Geometrically it means the three vectors forms the sides of a closed triangle ABC like AB , BC and CA.

Can three vectors of unequal magnitude ever sum to zero?

If any three vectors add up to zero, they must form a triangle in which each vertex is the head of one vector and tail of other vector. Since a scalene triangle exists, three unequal vectors can add up to zero.

Can adding two vectors be zero?

If the sum of two vectors is zero, then the magnitudes are equal, but the vectors point in the opposite direction.

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How can three vectors be combined to give a zero resultant?

For the resultant of three vectors to be zero, resultant of two should be equal and opposite to the third.

Can two vectors of unequal magnitude add up to give the zero vector can three unequal vectors add up to give the zero vectors?

Yes, two vectors of equal magnitude that are pointing in opposite directions will sum to zero. Two vectors of unequal magnitude can never sum to zero. If they point along the same line, since their magnitudes are different, the sum will not be zero.

Can three vectors with different magnitude give a zero resultant?

Yes, three vectors with different magnitude can give a zero resultant. As an example consider vectors, and, such that the resultant vector is.. Therefore the three vectors with different magnitude can give zero resultant.

Is it possible to combine two different magnitudes to get zero?

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With vectors, it is not possible to combine two of different magnitudes (through addition or subtraction, your question did not say) to get a zero result since the vectors need to cancel out the resultant’s magnitude.

Can two vectors of the same magnitude be combined?

“Combined” is not very well defined term. If you mean add, then the answer is no. If you mean dot-product, then yes. The reasons two vectors of different magnitude cannot add to zero are simple. Suppose two vectors add to zero. Then they must be of opposite directions (or zero themselves). Otherwise, adding them will create a nonzero component.

Is it possible to combine two vectors to get a zero?

Log in here. With vectors, it is not possible to combine two of different magnitudes (through addition or subtraction, your question did not say) to get a zero result since the vectors need to cancel out the resultant’s magnitude.