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How much space would all the matter in the universe take up?

How much space would all the matter in the universe take up?

1.1E+57 cubic meters of matter in the universe So all of the matter in the universe would fit into about 1 billion cubic light years, or a cube that’s approximately 1,000 light years on each side. That means that only about 0.0000000000000000000042 percent of the universe contains any matter.

What happens to matter as the universe expands?

So yes, Andrej, matter particles are affected by the expansion of the Universe: they cool and lose energy. Energy is proportional — for non-relativistic particles — to their velocity squared, so every time a particle’s kinetic energy is halved due to the Universe’s expansion, its speed will have decreased by about 29\%.

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What percentage of the universe is nothing?

Maybe you have a lot of friends, or an important job, or a really big car. But it might humble you to know that all of those things – your friends, your office, your really big car, you yourself, and even everything in this incredible, vast Universe – are almost entirely, 99.9999999 percent empty space.

What percent of universe is dark matter?

In fact, researchers have been able to infer the existence of dark matter only from the gravitational effect it seems to have on visible matter. Dark matter seems to outweigh visible matter roughly six to one, making up about 27\% of the universe.

Is matter created as the universe expands?

According to NASA, after inflation the growth of the universe continued, but at a slower rate. As space expanded, the universe cooled and matter formed. One second after the Big Bang, the universe was filled with neutrons, protons, electrons, anti-electrons, photons and neutrinos.

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Is space a donut?

Examining light from the very early universe, Buchert and a team of astrophysicists have deduced that our cosmos may be multiply connected, meaning that space is closed in on itself in all three dimensions like a three-dimensional donut.

How much of the universe is made of matter?

1.1E+57 cubic meters of matter in the universe A cubic light year contains about 1E+48 cubic meters. So all of the matter in the universe would fit into about 1 billion cubic light years, or a cube that’s approximately 1,000 light years on each side. That means that only about 0.0000000000000000000042 percent of the universe contains any matter.

What would happen if you moved the mass of the universe?

Now, if you were really to do this — if you actually did move all of the mass of the universe into one corner — it would condense instantly into a black hole and potentially ignite another big bang. But let’s say that you could keep it from doing that, and you were somehow able to keep all of the mass evenly distributed at the density of the sun.

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Was the early universe biased toward the creation of matter?

Conditions in the early universe were biased toward the creation of matter, explaining the existence of basically everything. Skip to main content Search Input Search Sections Menu Sections Menu The Washington Post Democracy Dies in Darkness Sign in ProfileSolid Sign in ProfileSolid The Washington Post Democracy Dies in Darkness Clock

How many light years are in a cube of matter?

A cubic light year contains about 1E+48 cubic meters. So all of the matter in the universe would fit into about 1 billion cubic light years, or a cube that’s approximately 1,000 light years on each side.