Who is the best herald of Galactus?

Who is the best herald of Galactus?

We rank the 10 most powerful Heralds of Galactus to see who served him best.

  1. 1 The Silver Surfer. Perhaps the most famous of Heralds is the Silver Surfer, and what a tragedy his life has been.
  2. 2 Morg.
  3. 3 Stardust.
  4. 4 Nova.
  5. 5 Terrax the Tamer.
  6. 6 Firelord.
  7. 7 Red Shift.
  8. 8 Air-Walker.

Who was Galactus first herald?

As far as comic history, the Fallen One is said to be Galactus’ first herald. Not much is known about him other than he became so powerful that Galactus imprisoned him, though the Fallen One escaped. Although he was mentioned in previous issues, the Fallen One didn’t make his actual debut until Thanos #11 in 2004.

Who all has been a herald of Galactus?

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The Air-Walker Eventually, he chose Gabriel Lan, captain of an Xandarian exploration vessel, to become his next herald. A member of the Nova Corps, Lan was brave and prone to wanderlust. He did not refuse Galactus’ offer of immense power and unlimited freedom to travel the universe under his own power.

Is Silver Surfer Galactus’s strongest Herald?

It’s definitely between Silver Surfer and The Fallen One but going by feats Galactus’s strongest herald is definitely Silver Surfer. The Fallen One may also use Black Matter but he’s also much more reckless, violent and careless than Silver Surfer. So IMO Silver Surfer takes him out either way. 9 years ago

Who are the most powerful heralds in the Marvel Universe?

Few have managed to defeat Galactus, but the Surfer has, and that’s why he’s top of the list of most powerful Heralds. Chris is a lover of comics, movies, and TV, and has been a geek for far too long. Hailing from Derby, England, he spends far too much time on Twitter and not enough time in the gym.

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Who is Galactus’ new Herald Gabriel Lan?

When Galactus gave up trying to recruit The Silver Surfer, he began searching for a new replacement. The new Herald came in the form of Gabriel Lan – a member of the Nova Corps. They struck up a friendship – something that had never happened before – and the two scoured the galaxy together.

Why did Galactus come back to Earth?

There was a time when Galactus’ hunger almost drove him to the brink of insanity, and his lust for power drove him back to Earth with the goal of consuming all sentient life there. Red Shift was an alien life form who became a Herald, ready to accompany his master to Earth.