Tips and tricks

How can I read my iPhone without hurting my eyes?

How can I read my iPhone without hurting my eyes?

Let’s take a closer look at some useful features to reduce iPhone eye strain.

  1. Turn Dark Mode On.
  2. Try Smart Invert.
  3. Reduce Transparency.
  4. Use Reduce Motion to Avoid Vertigo and Eye Strain.
  5. Reduce OLED Flickering.
  6. Use Night Shift.
  7. Schedule Downtime.
  8. Enable Reading Mode in Safari.

Does iPhone have eye protection?

Apple’s new version of its mobile operating system, iOS 9.3, comes packed with performance enhancements and new features. One of the more touted features is dubbed “Night Shift” which aims to reduce eye strain when viewing your device in the dark.

Is it bad to read books on your iPhone?

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An iPhone (and any other smartphone, no matter how small or big it is) is perfect for reading novels, essays, or short stories. 90\% of books I read is fiction and image-free nonfiction. I had a few iPads and Kindles, but I always ended up reading on the iPhone.

Can reading on iPhone damage eyes?

The screen is too small: Due to the small screen size of the mobile phone, it puts a strain on your eyes. As a result, not much text fits on a screen and you turn pages more often. This ultimately causes watering of the eyes and irritation. This is bad for your eyes.

Does reading on phone hurt eyes?

Eye Strain from Phone Symptoms Mobile phone eye strain may cause dry eye and irritation, painful throbbing headaches around the eye region, and even blurred vision. However, we use our phones differently to computers. With computers, we may spend hours looking at a screen.

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How to reduce eye strain while using your iPhone or iPad?

Another way to reduce eye strain while using your iPhone or iPad is to use dark mode while using mobile Safari. Tap the Safari app. Choose the Reading mode icon at the top-left once you find an article online you’d like to read. Tap the aA icon at top-right. In the popup, you can change the background font size, background color, and font.

How to get rid of eye strain on safari?

Dark Reading Mode on Safari Another way to reduce eye strain while using your iPhone or iPad is to use dark mode while using mobile Safari. Tap the Safari app. Choose the Reading mode icon at the top-left once you find an article online you’d like to read.

How to reduce eye strain from reading text?

Deselect “Use system brightness” and then you can use the slider to make your custom adjustment. Before you leave these settings, you can also change other text features such as the font size and screen color, which can further decrease eye strain.

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How can I improve my eyesight on my iPhone screen?

A higher contrast will make edges more discernible in text and shapes, and help your eyes focus more easily on your screen. Increase your text size. A larger font will make it easier to focus your eyes and read text on your iPhone’s screen. Try changing your Text Size from Display & Brightness settings to a bigger font.