
Why computer is not electronic device?

Why computer is not electronic device?

Originally Answered: Why is a computer called an electronic device not an electrical device? Because it uses electrical signals to transfer information rather than energy. To be pedantic energy is transferred in small amounts but it only incidentally heats up and may only have moving parts to deal with that.

Is a computer an electronic device?

Edit. A computer is an electronic device that takes input or output such as numbers, text, sound, image, animations, video, etc., processes it, and converts it into meaningful information that could be understood, presenting the changed input (processed input) as output.

Why is computer different from other electronic devices?

The thing that makes them all electronic devices is that they all use electricity to make them work. But they all have different parts and do different things. Computers have electric motors in them, to run fans, spin disks, etc. Other electronic devices are more complex and often made of many more basic devices.

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What is the difference between electronic and electric devices?

Comparing these two types of engineering is like comparing the meaning of electric vs electronic. Electrical devices convert electrical energy into other forms of energy, for example heat, light or sound. Electronic devices control the flow of electrons in order to perform a task.

What device is not a computer?

There are many other examples of peripherals, such as a microphone, web camera, headphones, external hard drive and flash drive. Most computer users have at least several of these peripheral devices.

What is difference between computer and computer system?

A computer can mean anything from a person performing a computational task to an application that performs computational tasks. A computer system specifically describes the set of hardware (devices) and software (programs/applications) that join together to perform a computational task.

How do you compare a desktop computer from a laptop computer?

The Main Difference Between Desktop and Laptop A Desktop stays in the office or home and needs the computer terminal to be connected to an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse; whereas the Laptop has the built-in components and thus easily transported as one complete device that can be used in most environments.

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Why computer is electronic devices?

A computer is described as an electronic device because; it is made up of electronic components and uses electric energy (such as electricity) to operate. It works on the data using the instructions issued, means that, the computer cannot do any useful job on its own.

What is the difference between electric device and electronic device?

What are the differences between electrical circuits and electronic circuits?

The main difference between electrical and electronic circuits is that electrical circuits have no decision making (processing) capability, whilst electronic circuits do. An electric circuit simply powers machines with electricity.

Can you mention the difference between electronic and non electronic equipment?

The major difference between the electrical and electronic devices is that the electrical devices convert the electrical energy into the other form of energy like heat, light, sound, etc. whereas the electronic device controls the flow of electrons for performing the particular task.

Why is a computer called an electronic device but not an electrical?

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Get Grammarly. Originally Answered: Why is a computer called an electronic device not an electrical device? Modern computers are electronic because they use active semiconductors (e.g. transistors), mostly in the form of integrated circuits.

What is the difference between electronic devices and electroic devices?

An electroic device contains integrated circuits, a transistor radio from the 1970s to a computer all have ICs in them. All of these are electrical, so all electronic devices are, by definition electrical, but not all electrical devices are electronic, e.g. incadescent light bulb/fixture).

What do you mean by computer?

Computer is an electronic device or combination of electronic devices. 1. Assignment On Uses of computer in Research Submitted by : Arti Arora (Ph.D. 2. Introduction Computer is an electronic device or combination of electronic devices which is capable of solving our problems.

Why are transistors required for a modern computer?

Transistors are required for such Modern computers are electronic because they use active semiconductors (e.g. transistors), mostly in the form of integrated circuits. That is what distinguishes them from mere electric device, i. e. one that uses electricity (like a conventional lightbulb).