Tips and tricks

How did Victarion greyjoy die?

How did Victarion greyjoy die?

CAUSE OF DEATH | Fatally stabbed by Jaime in a duel to the death… but he snuck in a mortal blow of his own, and died claiming, “I’m the man who killed Jaime Lannister.” EPITAPH | Yes, Euron was possibly the biggest jerk in all of Westeros, but let’s give him this: The man sure could sail a boat.

What did Euron do Victarion?

In 297 AC, Victarion’s new wife was seduced or raped by Victarion’s elder brother, Euron, becoming pregnant with his child. Victarion beat her to death with his fists, sobbing each time he struck the sobbing woman. Victarion then carried her body down to the rocks to give her to the crabs.

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What is a salt wife?

A salt wife is a bound concubine in ironborn culture, usually the women kidnapped during raids. An ironborn man may keep as many salt wives as he can support, but at any one time he may have only one “rock wife”, who must be of ironborn origin.

What is the ironborn saying?

“What is dead may never die” comes from the Ironborn religion. The Ironborn believe the Storm God (a pre-Andal deity that is no longer worshipped in Westeros) was an evil god who drowned the Drowned God. But gods can never truly die, so the Drowned God now lives in the sea.

Who is Victarion Greyjoy and why is he important?

Victarion Greyjoy is the son of Quellen, and Sansa Greyjoy making him a very important member of House Greyjoy and the Kingdom of the Iron Islands .

What happened to Victarion after the Battle of the shields?

Victarion leads the taking of the Shields, slaughtering unarmored sailors and winning a duel with Ser Talbert Serry, the son of Lord Osbert Serry, but his left hand is wounded during the fight. After his victory, Victarion watches helplessly as Euron steals many of his trusted comrades away from him by giving them titles on the Shield Islands.

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Does Victarion kill Ser Talbert Serry?

Despite his hatred for Euron, Victarion’s obedient and dutiful nature keeps him following his king’s orders. Victarion leads the taking of the Shields, slaughtering unarmored sailors and winning a duel with Ser Talbert Serry, the son of Lord Osbert Serry, but his left hand is wounded during the fight.

What happens to Victarion on his journey to the north?

On the journey, Victarion loses nearly half his ships, though he also gains some ships back by capturing and seizing several trading vessels and their cargo. Victarion’s wounded hand continues to trouble him, and he suspects that Kerwin, the maester that Euron sent to accompany him, is poisoning him.