
What is other name of convectional rainfall?

What is other name of convectional rainfall?

Convective rain and light precipitation are the result of convective clouds, for example cumulonimbus or cumulus congestus. In the initial stages of this precipitation, it generally falls as showers with rapidly changing intensity.

What is called conventional rainfall?

Convectional rainfall occurs when the heated air from the earth’s surface rises upwards along with the water vapour and gets condensed when it reaches a higher altitude. Here the clouds carrying the water vapour are not carried away by the wind and hence, it rains in the same place.

What is the other name for cyclonic rainfall?

Cyclonic or Frontal rain: This type of rainfall occurs when warm and cold air meets each other. Since warm air is lighter, it rises above the cold air.

Why is it called convectional rainfall?

Convectional rainfall occurs when the energy of the sun heats the surface of the Earth, causing water to evaporate to form water vapour. When the land heats up, it warms the air above it. As the air rises, it cools and condenses.

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What are the different type of rainfall?

On the basis of origin, rainfall may be classified into three main types – the convectional, orographic or relief and the cyclonic or frontal.

What is convectional rainfall and how convectional rainfall occurred explain?

Convectional rainfall occurs when the energy of the sun (or insolation) heats the earth’s surface and causes water to evaporate changing to water vapor. This warm, moist air then rises, and as it rises, it cools. As the clouds continue to grow the weight of the water droplets can eventually lead to precipitation.

What is Convectional rainfall class 10th?

Convectional rainfall takes place when the sun’s energy heats the surface and so that water evaporates changing to water vapor. This moist and warm air then rises upwards and as it rises, it starts to cool. The air reaches a point known as condensation level where the water vapor condenses and turns back to liquid.

What is Convectional rainfall and orographic rainfall?

Convectional rainfall. When the land warms up, it heats the air above it. This causes the air to expand and rise. Orographic precipitation, rain, snow, or other precipitation produced when moist air is lifted as it moves over a mountain range.

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What is convectional rainfall class 7th?

Convectional rainfall. When the land warms up, it heats the air above it. This causes the air to expand and rise. As the air rises it cools and condenses. Rain caused by the rising of air heated on contact with the hot ground is called convectional rainfall.

What is the difference between convectional and orographic rainfall?

What are the different types of rainfall in India?

Types of Rainfall

  • Convectional rainfall.
  • Orographic or relief rainfall.
  • Cyclonic or frontal rainfall.

What is Convectional rainfall Upsc?

Convectional Rainfall: Once the air is heated it becomes lighter and further this lighter air rises up and cools down and condenses on the condensation nuclei which are present in the atmosphere. This is because of the fact that only a small surface of area is covered by converging air.

What is convectional rainfall?

Convectional rainfall occurs when the warm air deflected from a landform rises and forms rain clouds. Convectional rainfall is very common in tropical areas as well as areas in southeastern England. When the sun’s warm rays heat the land, it also heats the air above it.

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What is a convectional storm?

This convectional storm occurred near Sydney in 2002. There was heavy rain and hail. Hailstones develop when ice particles form in the cloud. The currents of air move the particles up and down in the cloud and as this happens additional layers of ice form around the nucleus.

What is the difference between stratiform precipitation and convective precipitation?

Convective precipitation falls over a certain area for a relatively short time, as convective clouds have limited horizontal extent. Most precipitation in the tropics appears to be convective; however, it has been suggested that stratiform and convective precipitation both occur within the same complex of convection-generated cumulonimbus cloud.

What is the process of condensation and rainfall?

This process of condensation forms clouds high in the atmosphere. If this process continues, rainfall will occur. This type of rainfall is widespread in tropical areas (between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn) but also in areas such as South East England during warm sunny spells.