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What should an INFJ study?

What should an INFJ study?

INFJs with IA or AI interests commonly major in the humanities, social sciences, philosophy, religion, critical theory, the humanities/liberal arts, investigative journalism, or non-fiction writing. Law and medicine are generally not the best fit for INFJs, as these professions are better suited for TJ types.

Are INFJ good at science?

People with the INFJ personality type also crave structure and order, which can make them excellent scientists. Many of these individuals enjoy the quiet laboratory environment and the intellectual nature of scientific research.

What motivates Infj?

They are motivated by thinking through deep, complicated problems and trying to come up with innovative, lasting solutions. INFJs thrive when they are able to build deeper connections with the people they know.

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Are INFJ’s really that good at Reading emotions?

INFJs are supposed to be really good at reading other people’s emotions, guessing their thoughts, and seeing things from their perspectives. In many situations, that’s true.

Are INFJs better than other personality types?

While no personality type is objectively “better” than any other type, many of us do have some types that we generally connect with more easily and appreciate more than others. And in the context of this post, it’s worth noting that INFJs are some people’s favorite type.

What kind of intelligence do INFJs have?

This type typically has a high emotional intelligence and since we like to study and figure things out we also collect quite a bit of head knowledge as well. It’s not at all unusual for an INFJ to be able to speak intelligently on a wide variety of topics, some of them quite in-depth.

Do INFJ’s have a blind spot?

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INFJs are supposed to be really good at reading other people’s emotions, guessing their thoughts, and seeing things from their perspectives. In many situations, that’s true. But there’s one type of situation where many INFJs (including myself) feel like we have a blind spot.