
Is there an app to learn Cajun French?

Is there an app to learn Cajun French?

An Acadiana man has created a smartphone app that translates common Cajun phrases. Luke Romero, an Acadiana native, created the LearnCajun app after listening to his grandparents speak Cajun French. LearnCajun is available now for iOS devices.

Does duolingo have Cajun French?

Duolingo is helping endangered languages, the desperate situation of Cajun French. Disclaimer: Before I begin, I understand Duolingo has Cajun French on the back burner.

Do Cajuns have their own language?

Cajun English, or Cajun Vernacular English, is the dialect of English spoken by Cajuns living in Southern Louisiana. Cajun French is considered by many to be an endangered language, mostly used by elderly generations.

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How do you say hello in Cajun?

It’s not going well….Basic Vocabulary.

Cajun French English
Bonjour Hello
Comment ça va? How’s it going?
Comment les affaires? How are things?
Comment c’est? How is it?

How do you say hi in Cajun?

Can French understand Louisiana?

Over the centuries, the language has incorporated some words of African, Spanish, Native American and English origin, sometimes giving it linguistic features found only in Louisiana, Louisiana French differs to varying extents from French dialects spoken in other regions, but Louisiana French is mutually intelligible …

Is Cajun French similar to Quebecois?

The Cajun dialect of French spoken in Louisiana is directly related to Acadian French. The linguistic consequences of this situation make the Acadian speech community very different from that of Quebec, for example, in terms both of the language itself and of the sociolinguistic patterns which prevail4.

How is Louisiana French different from French?

What is the Cajun word for crazy?

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Cajuns use the word ‘couyon’ as both an adjective and a noun. (the noun refers to “someone who is crazy”) It’s one of the words that has crossed over into English so you’ll see it interspersed in normal speak as well as in French conversations.