
Can you have a baby raccoon as a pet?

Can you have a baby raccoon as a pet?

Pet raccoons aren’t common, but some people have kept domesticated raccoons as pets over the years. While they may seem cute, owning a pet raccoon might be more trouble than it’s worth, and most animal experts don’t recommend keeping them as pets.

Do raccoons mate for life?

Male raccoons are polygamous, or will mate with several females in succession. Females, however, are monogamous, and will mate with only one male and will not tolerate other males after mating has occurred. The life span of raccoons in the wild is estimated at three to five years.

How much is a raccoon pet?

An exotic veterinarian who knows raccoons might be able to point you toward a good breeder. Visit with the animal in person before you commit; don’t acquire an animal over the internet or via a classified ad. Expect to pay between $300 and $700 on average, though this can vary widely.

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Where can I buy baby racoons?

Having said all that, the most common place they are found is still the attic. While raccoons live outdoors, in order to create nests for their babies, they actively seek out warm spaces. Your attic is by far the best choice.

Can baby raccoon live without mom?

Raccoons are quite solitary animals, but when they are babies and until they complete 1 year old they stick together with their siblings and mother. If they are younger than one year and the mother is nowhere near to be found they won’t survive without her.

How many babies does a raccoon usually have?

Raccoons usually have about 3-5 babies per litter, and these babies weigh about 2 lbs each. They stay pregnant, just like a dog, for approximately 63 days.

Can you buy a baby Racoon?

Before you decide to take in a raccoon as a pet, check whether it is legal in your area to keep wild animals like raccoons as house pets. In most places it is illegal. If you are allowed to have one as a pet, you can either buy a raccoon from the breeder or if you have come across an abandoned baby, adopt it.

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Where can I buy a pet raccoon?

Buy Raccoons at Frazier Farms Exotics . At Frazier Farms Exotics of Tennessee we have raccoons for sale. We provide raccoon kits for sale that have been bred and raised in a TWRA state and USDA federally licensed facility. We are located in Tennessee and offer black raccoons , grey raccoons , cinnamon raccoons and albino raccoons for purchase.

Can you adopt a baby Racoon?

Firstly, in the US, you cannot “adopt” a wild baby raccoon. This is illegal. Secondly you may not live in a state that allows captive-bred raccoons as pets. If you are in one of those states, you should not “adopt” a baby raccoon.