Is GraphQL going to replace REST?

Is GraphQL going to replace REST?

GraphQL is an alternative to REST for developing APIs, not a replacement. If you want the benefit of using a schema and strong types in REST, you can use JSON schemas. There are many libraries that implement and support JSON schemas.

Is GraphQL the future?

“GraphQL certainly is the future. Especially if you start greenfield, why would you start with REST if there are new technologies and new standards being developed?” Hear more insights from Roy Derks, engineering manager at Vandebron.

What is wrong GraphQL?

GraphQL is famously bad at caching, mostly because the alternatives (REST and Falcor) make caching at all levels so easy and efficient. GraphQL is bad at sending anything other than text back and forth (such as file uploads) while REST APIs can do literally anything.

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Do you need Apollo for GraphQL?

But GraphQL is just a query language. And in order to use it easily, we need to use a platform that will do all the heavy lifting for us. In fact, Apollo builds its environment in such a way that we can use it to handle GraphQL on the client as well as the server side of the application.

Is GraphQL gaining popularity?

While GraphQL is not perfect, its popularity is rising, and it’s gaining more traction for a reason. However popular, the open source technology created by Facebook in 2012 should not be thought of as a replacement for REST but as a welcome alternative.

Why is GraphQL so popular?

GraphQL has introduced developers to a whole new era in API design and development. Since the client only asks for the data that it needs, it has made API design using GraphQL very flexible. GraphQL provides a higher level of flexibility in API development that developers have not seen before.

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Is GraphQL the end of rest?

GraphQL is not the end of REST. Although GraphQL is very useful to solve complex data exchange, it is “over-engineered” to use it for simple or standard use cases.

What is the difference between GraphQL API and REST API?

A GraphQL API (server) implementation, out of the box, will have better performance than a standard REST API – for the clients. Since resolvers are called in parallel, data will load faster.

What are the performance benefits of using GraphQL?

GraphQL solves all performance issues. A GraphQL API (server) implementation, out of the box, will have better performance than a standard REST API – for the clients. Since resolvers are called in parallel, data will load faster.

Is GraphQL front-end or backend?

GraphQL is not a front-end client only, it can also be used on a server-to-server scenario. See the Github Awardswebsite that ranks Github users by counting stars on their repos. This website has to fetch all users’ repos and count stars, which is totally feasible with REST.