
Can you get pinhole surgery if you have periodontal disease?

Can you get pinhole surgery if you have periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of gum recession. As the gums become more inflamed by the infection, they weaken and recede. While the Pinhole Surgical Technique can’t cure your periodontal disease, the treatment can go a long way to prevent it from relapsing.

Can 7mm gum pockets be reversed?

Periodontal pockets can be treated and reversed with good oral hygiene or with dental treatment. But when left untreated, periodontal pockets can lead to tooth loss.

Are 5mm gum pockets bad?

The area between the tooth and the gums is called pockets. A healthy pocket is within 2-3mm. More than 3 mm is a sign of periodontal disease and more than 5mm would require deep cleaning/root planning.

Who is not a candidate for pinhole gum surgery?

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What are contraindications for Pinhole Surgery? Contraindications for Pinhole Surgery include poor homecare, less than 2-3mm attached gums, compromised immune system, smoker, teeth grinding or malocclusion, rampant active decay or periodontal disease.

How much is pinhole gum surgery?

The cost of pinhole gum surgery can range anywhere from $2500 to $5,000 per jaw. The average cost is around $3,000. Where the cost falls within that range for one patient depends on a few different factors. It is difficult to say how much the procedure will cost without a consultation.

How long does pinhole surgery take?

It takes approximately 10-20 minutes to treat the tissue for a single tooth, and typically the entire procedure can be completed in about one to two hours.

How do you treat deep periodontal pockets?

Topical or oral antibiotics can help control bacterial infection. Topical antibiotics can include antibiotic mouth rinses or insertion of gels containing antibiotics in the space between your teeth and gums or into pockets after deep cleaning.

Is 7mm gum pockets bad?

We can detect periodontal disease by probing the depth of the gum pockets. A pocket depth of around 4 mm indicates beginning gum disease. A pocket depth of 7 mm or more indicates severe gum disease with the highest risk of permanent damage.

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How deep can periodontal pockets get?

In a healthy mouth, the pocket depth is usually between 1 and 3 millimeters (mm). Pockets deeper than 4 mm may indicate periodontitis. Pockets deeper than 5 mm cannot be cleaned well. Take dental X-rays to check for bone loss in areas where your dentist observes deeper pocket depths.

How do you cure periodontal pockets?

Scaling and root planing helps to deep clean in and around the periodontal pockets. This procedure removes the plaque and bacteria on the tooth and underneath the gum line. Scaling and root planing helps to shrink periodontal pockets and can heal gum tissue.

Does insurance cover pinhole surgery?

Will My Insurance Cover the Procedure? Because Pinhole Surgery is a periodontal procedure, most insurance plans will cover it. We recommend that you contact your insurance provider prior to having the procedure done.

Is the pinhole surgical technique effective for receding gums?

If your receding gums are more of an aesthetic issue than they are a dental health issue, the Pinhole Surgical Technique is a viable and worthwhile option. If there is tooth sensitivity present due to receding gums, but the cause is not due to an active bout of periodontal disease, a person can opt for this modern treatment option.

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How can I reduce the size of my periodontal pocket?

Your treatment will be determined by the size and depth of the periodontal pocket and the condition of your gums and bone. Small pockets of 4 or 5 mm may be reduced in size with professional dental cleanings along with aggressive at-home oral hygiene habits.

What is the importance of gum flap surgery for pocket depth reduction?

Importance of gum flap surgery for pocket depth reduction. Gingival flap surgery to reduce the depth of periodontal pockets is recommended by periodontists for the treatment of moderate or advanced periodontitis especially if non-surgical treatments (tooth scaling and root planing, antibiotics) have not eliminated the gum infection.

What is the difference between soft-tissue grafting and pinhole gum surgery?

Unlike soft-tissue grafting, this technique begins by creating a pinhole in the gum tissue that is receding. One the pinhole has been created, a device is placed into the hole. This device peels and stretches the gum into a healthier and more suitable position on the tooth (in layman’s terms, the gums are brought downward).