
Can INTP be moody?

Can INTP be moody?

INTP males can sometimes be seen as emotionless, which is entirely untrue. Even when an INTP believes they are being expressive, they are likely still keeping things hidden to others. They do not always do this intentionally, they simply live inside of their inner worlds more than they do in the world around them.

What are INTPs like when they are mad?

INTPs are excellent at unleashing their angry thoughts in ways which seem to be precise and truly intense for those involved. In some cases the INTP will feel justified in this anger, while in other situations they can feel like they have gone too far and will regret it.

Why would an INTP cry?

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INTPs do not want to feel weak, and they especially do not want to feel like people are judging them for feeling a certain way. INTPs do often reach points where they cannot hold their emotions in any long, and might end up unable to hold in their tears any longer.

Are INTPs known to have mood swings?

Without a release, answer is yes – mood swings are common when an INTP pops their top and lets loose with unbridled emotion. I encourage the INTP to learn to let off steam more often. Usually this means communicating more with the people that perceive you as moody.

What are INTPs known for?

INTPs have a reputation for being the “oddball” personality type. Isabel Briggs Myers called this type the “scholars, theorists, and abstract thinkers” of the personality theory universe, and they’re also commonly known as the ” Architect ” or ” Logician ” type.

Why are entps so Moody?

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When they do have a somewhat moody look on their face, it is because the ENTP is distracted and thinking about something else. They simply have such rich inner minds that they aren’t always aware of the outside world. ISTJs do often have resting bitch face, simply because they aren’t the most outwardly expressive people.

What is an INTP personality type?

Isabel Briggs Myers called this type the “scholars, theorists, and abstract thinkers” of the personality theory universe, and they’re also commonly known as the ” Architect ” or ” Logician ” type. INTPs want to understand the world in all its glorious complexity, and love using others as a sounding board for their brilliant ideas and theories.