
How does religion affect a persons life?

How does religion affect a persons life?

Depending on where you live, religion may also make you feel better about yourself by making you feel part of your larger culture. People who are religious have higher self-esteem and better psychological adjustment than people who aren’t, according to a January 2012 study.

How is religion helpful to society?

Indeed, psychological studies show that people are more likely to justify acts of violence and aggression when they are provided with a religious justification. Some people think that religion privileges blind faith and obedience over reason and critical thinking.

How does religion give a reason for the poor?

Religion gives a reason for the poor to accept their plight in life. Thus far, we have learned about Karl Marx’s views on social class, social inequality and the plight of the working-class people. According to Marx, society was seen as two classes: the rich and the poor.

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How is religion seen in society?

For most, religion is seen through faith or teachings that are held to be true. Religion teaches morality, values, and beliefs that a society will hold its evaluation of behavior against. Marx had a hard time believing in unseen truths.

Is religion a system for the rich to keep getting rich?

Religion, therefore, was a system for the rich to keep getting richer and the poor to remain forever poor, according to Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a German economist whose study of the plight of the poor working-class has had a considerable impact on sociology and the study of social class. He saw the world as two classes: the rich and the poor.

What is the relationship between religion and the masses according to Marx?

Religion and the Masses. Religion gives a reason for the poor to accept their plight in life. Thus far, we have learned about Karl Marx’s views on social class, social inequality and the plight of the working-class people. According to Marx, society was seen as two classes: the rich and the poor.