Tips and tricks

Is it okay to be a slow learner?

Is it okay to be a slow learner?

For the most part, people are not inherently fast or slow learners. It’s not a matter of their capacity to learn but how efficiently and effectively they use that capacity. You may think you are a slow learner, but most likely, you just need to learn how to use your brain more effectively.

Can you be a slow learner and smart?

A slow learner can be smart if we help them a little to develop their grasping capacity and aptitude. In fact he can be smarter than others through continuous attempts. There are many intelligent people in the world who don’t like mathematics. They can be interested in playing cricket or football.

What are the reasons for slow learning in mathematics?

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General Characteristics: Has excellent memory, good vocabulary, broad attention span, and high reading ability.

  • Special Characteristics:
  • Physical causes:
  • Lack of interest in the subject:
  • Mental Disability:
  • Lack of Mathematical ability:
  • Inappropriate Learning Experiences:
  • Who are called slow learners?

    Definition. A Slow Learner is a child of below average intelligence whose thinking. skills and scholastic performance have developed significantly more Slowly than the pace of his or her age. “Slow Learners are the Learners whose learning pace is Slower than their peers”.

    How to make math learning easy for a slow learner?

    Here are some tips to make math learning easy for a slow learner. Slow learners require a stepwise teaching methodology. This means that you cannot skip any part of any concept and you may also have to repeat some parts to make sure your child has understood everything clearly.

    Do slow learners forget what they were taught earlier?

    Most slow learners forget what has been taught earlier, so you may have to start with the basic concepts again. For instance, if your child is in class 2 you may have to start again with basic maths taught in class 1.

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    How do you deal with a slow learner?

    Incorporate Individualized Learning Materials: Slow learners respond favourably to frequent reinforcement of small segments of learning. Therefore, programmed texts and interactive computer instruction often are effective in remediation of the basic skills of slow learners.

    Does being a slow learner mean you are incompetent?

    They may be paced slow in their learning, but this does not mean they are incapable. Slow learners have no learning disorders, but they perform poorly in school and exhibit discrepancy between expected and actual achievement, based on their intellectual ability assessment scores.