
At what age did you get your first sex toy?

At what age did you get your first sex toy?

The majority (34\%) of sex toy owners bought their first toy between the ages of 21 and 30, while 30\% said they obtained their first “sexcessory” between age 18 and 20. Just over 13\% of the respondents said they got their first sex toy when they were over 40.

What do you do with a sex toy you don’t want?

If your toy is not battery/electric operated then you can throw it in the regular trash or recycling bin but I personally would save this as a final option. The recycling at Allegheny is more for pop cans or glass bottles and it might also be wholly uncomfortable for a recycling sorter to have to handle a used sex toy.

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How do I market my sex products?

How to market Sex Toys

  1. Provide Content. Most people don’t like being sold to, but they are usually curious to learn more about what it is you have to offer.
  2. Send newsletters. Offer users of your store or website the opportunity to sign up to regular newsletters.
  3. Run personality tests.
  4. Encourage product reviews.
  5. Be discreet.

Can you recycle silicone?

Recycling silicone involves grinding it down, preparing a mold and then mixing the shredded silicone granules with fresh silicone. To recycle silicone, grind down the old silicone into small, shredded pieces. If a large amount of silicone is being recycled, a kitchen grinder is an ideal option.

What can you do with WEEE?

Under the WEEE system, householders have a duty to dispose of their electrical waste properly. If the item of electrical or electronic equipment has a crossed out wheelie bin symbol on it, do not dispose of in your bin but instead take it to the nearest household waste recycling or civic amenity centre.

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How does waste affect people’s health?

The available scientific evidence on the waste-related health effects is not conclusive, but suggests the possible occurrence of serious adverse effects, including mortality, cancer, reproductive health, and milder effects affecting well-being.

What happens to silicone at the end of its life?

Silicone, like plastic, can be recycled multiple times. However, silicone usually has to be sent to a specialized recycling company to be properly recycled. Because of this, many users will simply throw away silicone at the end of its life (where it will sit without breaking down for centuries.)

Is silicone safer than plastic?

Silicone is durable, and more ocean-friendly than plastic. It lasts longer, and stands up better against heat and cold than plastics. It’s safer for your family, too, with no estrogen-mimicking toxins like BPA to worry about.