
Is it ethical to share interview questions?

Is it ethical to share interview questions?

While it’s not necessarily unethical to become informed of interview questions, it is not advantageous and actually can be a detriment to the interviewee. Some interviewers frown upon sharing interview questions and see it as cheating and unethical because principles like fairness and truthfulness are compromised.

What are the interview questions for IT support?

Best Technical Support or IT Support Interview Questions and Answers:

  1. Do you know about our products and company?
  2. What is BIOS?
  3. What experience do you possess in the technical support field?
  4. Tell me about yourself?
  5. What are the hardware components of a desktop computer/laptop?
  6. What do you know about our organization?
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How do I ace a support interview?

Five Tips to Ace Your IT Interview

  1. Be an IT Softie. Soft skills are valued in today’s workforce, regardless of your job.
  2. Be Honest About Your Knowledge. A necessary evil of applying for an IT job is the technical interview.
  3. Steer the Conversation.
  4. Be Enthusiastic with Your Enthusiasm.
  5. Get Your Geek On.

What does desktop support do?

A desktop support specialist is an information technology (IT) professional who maintains computer hardware and software systems. They’re responsible for installing new programs, managing updates and providing technical support.

How should I prepare for a desktop support interview?

To prepare yourself, you should come with answers ready to commonly asked questions. While some general questions could apply to many interview situations, it is important to inform your responses to suit the desktop support position for which you are interviewing. In turn, some questions will inherently probe you to speak in specifics.

How do you answer “what are your desktop support skills?

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Focus on skills and personal qualities relevant to the position and provide real-life examples where your desktop support skills helped resolve a difficult situation. The way you answer this question could determine the pace and tone of the rest of the interview.

What is the role of desktop support?

Desktop Support role is to provide help to the customers when any incident or service requests are created either calling them or by updating the incident with a solution. Follow our Wisdomjobs page for Desktop Support job interview questions and answers page to get through your job interview successfully in first attempt.

What is a technical question in a job interview?

This technical question allows you to show your knowledge of Windows operating systems. You will typically give a verbal answer to this question, but your interviewer may ask you to demonstrate it or write the steps on paper. Make sure your answer comprises a step-by-step explanation of getting the job done.