Tips and tricks

Should I tell my girlfriend I have diabetes?

Should I tell my girlfriend I have diabetes?

When should you tell them? There’s no ‘right’ time or place to tell your date about diabetes, it’s down to what you feel comfortable doing. Some people like to reveal all straight away – putting on their online dating profiles – or test their blood openly in front of others.

What is it like dating someone with diabetes?

Dating a person with type 2 diabetes is much the same as dating anyone else. You’ll go out and have a good time, even if the alcohol consumption is limited because of its carb and sugar content.

How do you date a girl with diabetes?

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But before asking out someone who has type 2 diabetes, keep these dos and don’ts in mind.

  1. Don’t Play the Blame Game.
  2. Do Plan Active Dates.
  3. Don’t Surprise Your Date.
  4. Do Save the Sugary Food for Later.
  5. Don’t Be Nosy About Your Date’s Health.
  6. Do Ask Questions That May Help You Plan.
  7. Don’t Express a Fear of Needles.

How do you explain to someone with diabetes?

When you’re ready to share, here are a few tips to start the conversation:

  1. Pick a familiar place. Maybe it’s your place, or your favourite café.
  2. Help them understand. Explain what diabetes is and what it means for you.
  3. Keep it simple.
  4. Tell them how they can support you.

Does sugar affect sperm?

Men might want to think twice before grabbing another soda out of the fridge. Scientists have already shown sugary drinks can add unwanted inches to waistlines, but a new study shows sugar-sweetened drinks such as soda may also lower semen quality.

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What happens when you marry a diabetic spouse?

The spouse of a diabetic can feel a loss of control over the future, and be afraid that they will lose their life partner. Conversely, if you are the diabetic in the match, you tend to get quite aggravated with all of the nagging and “sugar-shaming” that can be going on.

How can we support our partner with diabetes?

We can be there for support of our partner with diabetes, but we cannot make them do anything that they do not want to do. In this way, we accept that we cannot control the other person, and respect that they are a human being capable of making decisions.

Is your partner overbearing and controlling because of diabetes?

Sometimes you feel misunderstood. It’s true that diabetes can take a physical, mental and financial toll on a relationship. Remember that your overbearing and controlling partner is acting from a place of genuine caring and concern for you.

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Can diabetic neuropathy cause problems with intimacy?

Problems with intimacy due to nerve damage from diabetic neuropathy can cause strife in a relationship. Women can get vaginal drynesswith diabetes around menopause. This can result in painful intercourse. Men can have erectile dysfunction.