
Are secret marriages legal?

Are secret marriages legal?

In 1972, California state legislators changed the law so that laypeople, not just pastors, could perform confidential marriages, allowing couples to marry quickly (without getting their blood tested and waiting for the results) and privately.

What does getting married mean financially?

Marriage carries certain legal implications with respect to property, money, and debt. Becoming legally married in the eyes of your state means your spouse’s income (and debt) are now yours, as well. If one of you runs up a huge credit card bill, you both now are on the hook when the bill comes.

Why do people get married for money?

It may seem unromantic to discuss money when looking at the reasons to get married, but marriage is as much of a business transaction as it is a spiritual and emotional one. In the past, families would marry their children to solidify financial and political arrangements.

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Should you get married to protect your finances?

Most people don’t get married for financial protection, but marriage provides that advantage for both spouses. For starters, if one of you goes through a bad patch professionally or medically, there’s someone else to help and, probably, bring in some income.

How to manage money as a couple when getting married?

Getting married and staying married for the long-term brings with the opportunity for more financial security, providing each of you practice good family financial rules. Don’t spend more than you have and limit or eliminate the use of credit cards. Managing Money as a Couple will help you work through these issues.

Should you get married if you don’t want kids?

While it’s OK to be uncertain about whether or not you want kids, or to be uncertain about how many you want, if you know one way or another and your partner feels differently, don’t expect marriage to give them a new perspective. “I would never suggest that a couple goes into a marriage thinking a partner will change their mind,” Richmond says.