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What is the greatest military of all time?

What is the greatest military of all time?

9 Strongest Armies Of All Times, Across History

  • The Achaemenid Empire.
  • The Spartan City-State.
  • The Mauryan Army.
  • The Romans.
  • The Mongols.
  • The British Empire.
  • Soviet Ground Forces at the end of World War II.
  • The Armed Forces of the United States of America – Present Day. The sheer power of the US is unfathomable.

Who is the greatest soldier in history?

Audie Leon Murphy (20 June 1925 – 28 May 1971) was an American soldier, actor, songwriter, and rancher. He was one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II….

Audie Murphy
Birth name Audie Leon Murphy
Born 20 June 1925 Kingston, Texas, U.S.

Who was the strongest warrior ever?

Alexander the Great is arguably the greatest warrior of all time. He was the King of Macedon between 336 BC and 323 BC. His empire spread from Greece to India, conquering Persia, Syria, the Balkans, Egypt and many other regions.

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Who has the most powerful military in the world?

The United States has the most powerful army in the world, but Russia isn’t far behind, according to a just-released index that measures a government’s military strength from Global Firepower (GFP). China came in third in GFP’s ranking, followed by India and the United Kingdom.

Who are the best soldiers in the world?

John Walker

  • Lemar Hoskins
  • Baron Zemo
  • Sarah Wilson
  • Sharon Carter
  • Ayo and the Dora Milaje
  • Karli Morgenthau and the Flag Smashers
  • Power Broker
  • Wakanda
  • Riga,Latvia
  • Which country has the strongest military in the world?

    China has emerged as the strongest military force in the Asia from past few years. In terms of active manpower, China is the largest military in the world. Also, China comes at second place when it comes to the largest tank fleets(behind Russia) and largest submarine fleet(behind the US).

    Which is the best army in the world?

    Pakistan Army is the best army in the world. They are the best fighters. It has defeated the Indian Amy in 1965 and India have to go to the united nation after 17 days of war to help them to stop the war.