Tips and tricks

Does redbubble let you know when someone buys your stuff?

Does redbubble let you know when someone buys your stuff?

For privacy reasons we cannot disclose any personal information about the customers. However, If you’d like to send a message to your buyers every time you sell, you can do so here.

What percent does Redbubble take?

Redbubble has a fixed maximum retail price over which the designer can add their royalty markup. The default is 20\% of the retail price, you are free to hike it if you want but bear in mind you are entering a super competitive market place and that on most PoD the standard is around 10\% as a royalty fee anyway.

What happens if you buy your own stuff on Redbubble?

Self-purchases will not show up in your sales history and you will not receive any sales or notifications via email for those transactions. If you’d like to register a margin for the sale, please make sure you are logged out of your Redbubble account when making purchases.

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How much time does it take to get a sale on Redbubble?

It took 6 months to make that first sale in Redbubble and by the time I did that I think I had about 20 designs. I now make more sales on Redbubble than Society6 in any given month even though I have about half the designs I have on S6 in said shop.

How much does it cost to sell on Redbubble?

Selling on Redbubble is completely free and open to anyone. Redbubble artists and designers pay nothing to open an account, upload work, or receive a royalty payment. When your royalty account reaches $20, Redbubble will send your money to you via Paypal, or directly into your bank account.

How much do artists get paid on Redbubble?

Redbubble artists and designers pay nothing to open an account, upload work, or receive a royalty payment. When your royalty account reaches $20, Redbubble will send your money to you via Paypal, or directly into your bank account. (paid monthly).

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How do I add new work to my Redbubble account?

Everything starts with some artwork – a design you have created. This should ideally be a transparent .png file, which will be uploaded to Redbubble, and applied to over 60 potential products. So once you have a Redbubble account – you simply go to the ‘ Add New Work ‘ page – which looks like this:

How do royalties work on Redbubble?

Redbubble credits your account with a royalty (a percentage of the sale price) – and once a month Redbubble pays out your royalties to your Paypal or bank account. Of course there’s a lot more detail we could go into, but that’s the basic process.