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How do I change my Roblox email and password?

How do I change my Roblox email and password?

Reset using email

  1. Select Forgot your username/password? on the Login page.
  2. Enter your email address in the Email box exactly as it is on the Roblox account and press the Submit button.
  3. Press the Reset Password button or click the link in the email.
  4. Enter and confirm your new password, then press the Submit button.

How do I change my Roblox email?

Changing Your Email

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Go to account Settings.
  3. Select the Account Info tab.
  4. Select the Update Email button (icon looks like a pencil and paper)
  5. An email will be sent to the new address.
  6. Find that email in your inbox, and follow the instructions in the email.
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Can you get hacked by responding to an email?

Although email viruses are still real threats, you will not download a virus by opening and replying to an infected email, as long as the malicious link or attachment in the email remains unopened.

Is it possible to get back a hacked Roblox email?

Yes it is but it is really hard. 1.You find the hacker and beat his ass up. 2.You contact ROBLOX. 3. you can go to your email. When they change your email, you should get an email saying “you changed your email.” If you click on it, you can change back the email.

Can Roblox see your signup info if you change your email?

Even if the hacker changed the email address on the account, Roblox can still see your original signup info. If you ever bought anything in Roblox, be prepared to answer questions about the amounts of purchase, credit card info, and PayPal account. Go to https://www.roblox.com/my/account#!/security in a web browser.

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How do I get my account back on Roblox?

If you already had a verified email on your account, it’s easy to get the account back. In case of any email change, ROBLOX keeps track of the first email ever verified on the account. First, you use that same email to contact ROBLOX’s support email address.

Why can’t I use my Roblox account?

My Roblox account was hacked and I can’t use it. If you ever bought robux on it, make sure you didn’t delete the receipt. It should be in the Email that’s associated with the account. If you didn’t put in an email, you aren’t going to get it back.