
How do I tell my conservative parents Im pregnant?

How do I tell my conservative parents Im pregnant?

The Conversation

  1. First, find the words. You might say, “I have something difficult to tell you.
  2. Be prepared to deal with the reaction. What happens next?
  3. Give your parents time to speak without jumping in. Listen to what they say.
  4. Tell them how you feel.
  5. If you need to, get help breaking the news.

When to tell your parents you’re pregnant India?

Announcing it early: Once you are completely sure of the pregnancy, announce it. Though, if you are afraid of miscarriage, it would be good if you can wait to announce the news till your first trimester is over since it happens within the 10-12 weeks of the pregnancy if the miscarriage is supposed to happen.

How do Indian parents get pregnancy news?

Here are some ways you can do so:

  1. A ‘Best Dad’ T-shirt for the father.
  2. A good book/movie on pregnancy.
  3. Organise a family dinner.
  4. Buy prenatal items.
  5. Wear an outfit with a clue.
  6. Distribute greeting cards with a clue.
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When do Indians announce pregnancy?

Nine days after birth, a ceremony is conducted at the placental burial site to announce the name of the baby.

What do Indian parents care about when it comes to marriage?

Protecting the family name. Indian parents care a bit too much about something. It’s a disease, really, a disease with no cure. They care how they are seen by the people they know: their reputation. They are sure as hell not going to let you ruin that. Protecting traditions, and you’d better get married to a boy from the community!

Are You being raised by over-bearing and abusive parents in India?

This post is dedicated to all the Indian kids out there who are being raised by over-bearing and abusive parents. ( I write this for you with love and understanding, compassion and hope for healing) Yes, those of you who suffering in the care and control of their parents. (And even adults who survived a detrimental childhood)

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How do I tell my parents that I have a boyfriend?

To tell your parents you have a boyfriend, write out what you want to say and practice it a few times if you’re afraid you’ll get flustered. If you feel closer to one of your parents or you think one will be more accepting than the other, then you may want to tell them first.

How can I convince my parents to let me see my boyfriend?

Maybe you can suggest that you only see your boyfriend at school or that you only go on group dates with other people. Your parents just want to protect you, so you have to be willing to give up some of your freedom. Listen to what your parents have to say and consider if their concerns are legitimate.