
What was counterinsurgency in Vietnam?

What was counterinsurgency in Vietnam?

Counterinsurgency actually began in Vietnam during the Indochina War (1946-1954) and was known as “pacification.” The French created military-civilian teams (called équipes mobiles), which performed civil functions in conjunction with military operations aimed at establishing French control over areas dominated by the …

How can insurgencies be defeated?

An insurgency could end in three possible ways: a (military) victory for the insurgents or the regime, a peace deal, or a stalemate.

What is a counterinsurgency war?

The war is fought among the people and for the people between the insurgents and the counterinsurgents. A counterinsurgency is won by utilizing strategic communications and information operations successfully. A counterinsurgency is a competition of ideas, ideologies, and socio-political movements.

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Who developed counterinsurgency?

This doctrine, developed in the 1950s by military innovators such as the British field marshal Gerald Templer in Malaya and the U.S. operative Edward Lansdale in the Philippines, holds that a military can’t defeat an insurgency by simply killing insurgents.

Why did the US strategy of counterinsurgency not work in South Vietnam?

Why did the U.S. strategy of counterinsurgency not work in South Vietnam? U.S. weapons and strategy harmed the very people they were intended to save.

What is the overall goal of Robert Thompson’s five principles for successful counterinsurgency?

13 Sir Robert Thompson outlined five broad principles: (1) A clear political aim, (2) Work within the law, (3) The development of an overall plan, (4) Defeat political subversion, and (5) Secure base areas.

How long does it take to defeat an insurgency?

After the balance of good and bad COIN practices tips in favor of the government, it takes an average of six years for the government to secure its victory.

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How insurgencies end the quest for government victory?

What’s the difference between counterterrorism and counterinsurgency?

A key difference between counter insurgency (COIN) and counterterrorism operations is that insurgents rely on support of the populations whilst terrorists are individuals or isolated groups or cells without broad public support.

What is an example of counterinsurgency?

Examples include the American Revolution, the Irish War of Independence, Yugoslavia during World War II, the French wars in Indochina and Algeria, the US war in Vietnam, and the Soviet campaign in Afghanistan.

Why did some nonwhite veterans Voice particular doubts about the morality of the Vietnam War?

Why did some nonwhite veterans voice particular doubts about the morality of the Vietnam War? They saw parallels between themselves and the Vietnamese civilians. It brought the war to the center of media attention and severely limited the Johnson administration’s options.

What happened to US performance in counterinsurgency operations?

The classic case of poor U.S. performance in counterinsurgency operations was in the Vietnam War. By almost any account, the United States and its allies lost this war, and fought it fairly badly—with untold human costs incurred along the way.

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What is counterinsurgency (COIN)?

Counterinsurgency (COIN) is the blend of comprehensive civilian and military efforts designed to simultaneously contain insurgency and address its root causes. Unlike conventional warfare, non-military means are often the most effective elements, with military forces playing an enabling role. COIN is an extremely

Is the HNG an effective way to fight the insurgency?

If the HNG is seen as legitimate, fair, and effective at addressing the basic needs and grievances of the populace, the insurgency will not receive the recruits, logistical support, and popular approval it needs to succeed.