What does I didnt think so mean?

What does I didnt think so mean?

I didn’t think so!: I doubted it! I didn’t think it was like that!

What is the meaning of would have thought?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishyou would have thought (that)you would have thought (that) (also you would think (that)) used to say that you expect something to be true, although it is not You would have thought the school would do more to help a child like Craig. → think.

Would have thought so meaning?

a)used to say that you think or hope something is true, when you are not certainI shouldn’t think they’ve gone far.

Would think VS would have thought?

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As I’ve learned that “I would think” is used for giving openion ,politeness , showing uncertainty,softening etc “I would have thought” should also share the same characteristics as It’s only past version of “I would think”. Example: A: She died of a broken heart.

Is i dont think so a question?

Banned. “I don’t think so” could be an expression of uncertainty—probably not, but not “definitely not.” However, in this context, B probably means “Definitely not!” “I don’t think so” nowadays is used by a speaker to answer his own rhetorical question.

Would have us believe Meaning?

Definition of would have one believe : want/expect someone to believe (something) They would have us believe that all these problems can be fixed by raising taxes.

Could have thought Meaning?

It is very shocking or surprising (that something happened or is the case); no one could have predicted (that something happened or is the case). Who could have thought? …

Who would ever have thought?

and Who could have thought? a question phrase indicating surprise or amazement; I would never have guessed that something so surprising could happen. (No answer is expected.)

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Who would have thought usage?

used to say that you are very surprised something has happened: So, Alex is going out with Hannah. Who would have thought it?

Who would have thought or who would of thought?

It is very surprising (that something happened or is the case); no one could have predicted (that something happened or is the case). Who’d have thought that Ted would turn out to be a supermodel?

What is the difference between thinking and thinking?

Thinking is an active verb. Then, in an attempt to make himself more clear, Bohm makes a distinction between thinking and thought. First he describes thinking. Thinking is an active verb, think-ing. It means you are doing something.

What is the difference between think and suppose and assume?

Think, suppose and assume are separated by a thin line of difference. Think and suppose can be often used as synonyms too, and in this grammar article we will see where these words can be interchangeably used and where one of the three is more appropriate than others.

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What is the difference between thinking and thinking according to Bohm?

First he talks about theories which can never give true knowledge, but give a way of looking at the real world. Thinking is an active verb. Then, in an attempt to make himself more clear, Bohm makes a distinction between thinking and thought. First he describes thinking. Thinking is an active verb, think-ing.

Why do I feel like I am not the same person?

The thoughts are usually about something ‘terrible’ happening to yourself or to others. Or link to you doing something ‘terrible’ to yourself or another person. They are usually aggressive, sexual and/or religious in nature. If you have been experiencing these kinds of thoughts, they may have made you feel like you are not the same person any more.