
What Nightwing should I read?

What Nightwing should I read?

Where to Start Reading Nightwing Comics

  • “The Judas Contract” THE STORY: The Teen Titans are betrayed by one of their own, and Dick Grayson is the last one standing.
  • “White Gold and Truth”
  • “Year Three”
  • “Prodigal”
  • “A Knight in Bludhaven”
  • “Nightwing: Year One”
  • “Agents of Spyral”

What is the best Nightwing run?

5 Best Nightwing Storylines Of All Time (& The 5 Worst)

  • 3 Worst: Traps And Trapezes.
  • 4 Best: Better Than Batman.
  • 5 Worst: The Great Leap.
  • 6 Best: Nightwing Must Die.
  • 7 Worst: Brothers In Blood.
  • 8 Best: Agents of Spyral.
  • 9 Worst: Nightwing: Year One.
  • 10 Best: A Knight In Blüdhaven.

How many Nightwing comics are there?

Nightwing (1996-2009) (9 book series) Kindle Edition.

Who is Nightwing in love with?

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However, his most important love stories have been with Batgirl and Starfire. Indeed, Dick, Barbara, and Kori form one of the most notorious love triangles in comic books. Throughout the years, Nightwing has gone back and forth between the two women, but he’s never been able to settle down with any of them.

What is the first Nightwing comic?

Publication information
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Superman: Superman #158 (January 1963) Dick Grayson: Tales of the Teen Titans #44 (July 1984)
Created by Superman: Edmond Hamilton Curt Swan Dick Grayson: Marv Wolfman George Pérez

What are Nightwing’s Best Comics?

One of the best stories of Nightwing’s career has to be the relatively recent The Untouchable arc. The story follows Dick Grayson as he returns to a sense of normalcy as Blüdhaven’s protector.

What are some of the worst Nightwing stories?

The Judge got the better of Dick when he was still Robin years earlier, and soon Dick is on a warpath to stop the madman before more innocent people lose their lives, revealing a foe of ancient proportions. One of the more recent and worst Nightwing storylines is Blockbuster.

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What are Nightwing’s best Rebirth story arcs?

One of the better stories of Nightwing’s Rebirth era arcs had to be the initial Rebirth relaunch, with a story arc titled Better Than Batman. The story follows on the heels of the series Grayson, which involved his undercover work as a spy with Spyral.

What is the purpose of the Nightwing and Batman story?

The purpose of the story was to showcase that Nightwing had the will and strength to take on the mantle of Batman later on in his career. The only problem is that this feels like a mistake, as Dick Grayson has never wanted to be Batman.