
Are the time keepers fake?

Are the time keepers fake?

What are the Time Keepers? Time Keepers were the fake leaders of the Time Variance Authority, who were believed to be the leaders and protectors of the Sacred Timeline. Later in the show, we learned that the three Time Keepers were fake statues that did not control anything.

Are the time keepers actually real?

Marvel’s Loki revealed that the beings in charge of the Time Variance Authority, the Time-Keepers, are fakes. Revealed to be no more than mindless robots, the true identity of whoever’s really in charge of the TVA is still at large.

Are the time keepers the watchers?

The Time-Keepers of the comics are a trio of beings created by the very last TVA director (known as He Who Remains) at the end of time. They serve as watchers over the timestream’s welfare across all universes and timelines, however, the Time-Keepers haven’t always been on the side of good.

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Who created timekeepers?

History. The creation of Time-Keepers The Time-Keepers were created by He Who Remains, the very last director of the Time Variance Authority from the previous reality, in the Citadel at the End of Time just prior to the heat death of that universe.

Who is behind the time keepers?

Trivia. In the comics, the Time-Keepers were created by the He Who Remains, the last director of the Time Variance Authority, creating a loop of the TVA’s history.

How powerful are the time keepers Marvel?

Powers. The Time-Keepers have great power to manipulate temporal energy. They can age entire armies to dust or reverse aging to before the point of life (virtual immortals such as Asgardian gods can resist these effects). They can summon beings from any point in the time stream, sending them to do their bidding.

Are the Watchers celestials?

Earth X. In the alternate reality of Earth X (Earth-9997), the Watchers are slaves of the Celestials.

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Are the time keepers the strongest?

The Time Keepers have vast temporal powers at their disposal, making them among the most powerful Marvel cosmic characters. Not only can they travel through time in any direction, they essentially control it.

Is Kang the Conqueror a Time keeper?

Once again, Kang was the center timekeeper. It’s intriguing to wonder where things might go from here, since it is so definitively, clearly, Kang the Conqueror. The character of Kang in the history of Marvel Comics is almost always a master physicist, traveling through times and creating alternate versions of himself.

What happened to the 4th Time keeper?

There were three main Time-Keepers but a fourth was reportedly created and exiled to Egypt in 2950 BC. After they failed and Immortus was defeated, the Time-Keepers returned and sent the Time-Twisters to their birthing pods, where they could watch over them.

Are the MCU Time-Keepers a ruse?

As Judge Ravonna Renslayer, agent Mobius M. Mobius, Loki variant Sylvie, and Loki himself discovered, the MCU Time-Keepers are – or were – in fact simply a ruse to hide the true power behind the TVA, the enigmatic being known as He Who Remains.

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Who are the time-keepers in the Marvel Comics?

The Time-Keepers of the comics are a trio of beings created by the very last TVA director (known as He Who Remains) at the end of time. They serve as watchers over the timestream’s welfare across all universes and timelines, however, the Time-Keepers haven’t always been on the side of good.

How were the time-keepers created?

The Time-Keepers were created by He Who Remains, the very last director of the Time Variance Authority from the previous reality, in the Citadel at the End of Time just prior to the heat death of that universe. The first attempt resulted in the creation of the Time-Twisters, who were flawed and destroyed numerous realities.

Who were the time-keepers in the TVA?

The Time-Keepers were androids that were programmed to be in control of the Time Variance Authority. TVA propaganda presents them as the founders of the agency, crediting them with the creation of the “Sacred Timeline” and the TVA’s agents.