Tips and tricks

Where do I start when making a game?

Where do I start when making a game?

How to Develop a Video Game

  1. Pick a concept. Generate a few game concepts to see what kind of game you want to make.
  2. Gather information. Game creation involves extensive research.
  3. Start building.
  4. Refine your concept.
  5. Test your game.
  6. Market the finished product.

What do you do when you have a game idea?

Begin by writing a “design document”. Put everything you want into it, explain the game in detail. Then, post it online to see what others think. Note: don’t worry about people stealing your idea.

How do you write a game idea?

Your game concept should include exactly what the game is and what creating it involves. This includes the story, the art, and how you’re going to make money with the game. A written game concept puts everyone on the same page, knowing the expectations right from the get-go.

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How do I contact a game developer?

Find contact information for an app developer

  1. Open the Google Play Store app .
  2. Browse or search for the app.
  3. Tap the app to open the detail page.
  4. Tap Developer contact.
  5. Scroll down to review the contact information listed.

How do I pitch a game idea?

7 Tips for Pitching a Video Game Idea

  1. Do your research.
  2. Tailor your pitch.
  3. Refine your logline.
  4. Provide the basics.
  5. Make it engaging.
  6. Provide examples.
  7. Pitch from the perspective of the player.

How to start making a video game?

Before starting making a video game, first, you need to get the idea of the game that you want to create and take some introductory courses on making video games. Then, you can start work on your design, and decide what software to use if needed. After that, choose a programming language and start to program your game.

Do you have an idea for a game?

An idea for a game implies that someone with game design sense has thought of some novel piece of software that would be fun to interact with. If you have no game design sense then you can’t have an idea like that.

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Can you sell a video game idea?

How to Sell A Video Game Idea You can. However, it doesn’t mean it’s accessible by any means. While you may feel you have a million-dollar idea, chances are many other people do as well. That’s all well and good, but what about the video game producers?

Do you have an idea for a videogame with no design abilities?

So basically if you are saying you have no design abilities in the sense of (1) then you actually don’t have an idea for a videogame. An idea for a game implies that someone with game design sense has thought of some novel piece of software that would be fun to interact with. If you have no game design sense then you can’t have an idea like that.