What is the true origin of the Joker?

What is the true origin of the Joker?

Detective Comics #168 (1951) introduced the Joker’s first origin story as Red Hood: a criminal who, during his final heist, vanishes after leaping into a vat of chemicals to escape Batman. His resulting disfigurement led him to adopt the name “Joker”, from the playing card figure he came to resemble.

What was the Joker’s original name?

Jack Napier
He also reveals his real name: Jack Napier. Napier spends all of his efforts revealing how Batman’s false heroics actually only lead to creator corruption in Gotham City.

Was Conrad Veidt the inspiration for the Joker?

Conrad Veidt inspired the creation of the Joker 1 comic book in April 1940. While his origins are a source of debate, it is agreed that the villain was inspired by the look and performance of a forgotten film star, Germany’s Conrad Veidt, in a 1928 film adaptation of Victor Hugo’s The Man Who Laughs.

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Does the Killing Joke reveal the Joker’s origin story?

The revelation brings two major changes to The Killing Joke: First, it confirms the Comedian Joker — the modern iteration of the supervillain — has the failed stand-up comic origin story hinted at — but never definitively confirmed — in the original graphic novel’s flashback sequences.

Is the Joker from the Killing Joke canon?

Originally intended to take place outside of canon, Alan Moore’s Batman: The Killing Joke showed a series of flashbacks that revealed the Joker to be a nameless lab worker who left his job at the Ace Chemicals plant to be a stand-up comedian. Though his wife Jeannie swears he’s funny, the man bombs.

Was the Joker originally a gangster?

Tim Burton’s movie Batman put forth that the Joker was originally gangster Jack Napier, a vain sociopath with an interest in chemistry and art who also, it turns out, killed Bruce Wayne’s parents.

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Why is the Joker called Jack Napier?

He blames Batman for his creation, but the whole parent-murder thing makes the reverse is true as well. Though this Joker backstory never jumped to the comics, Batman: The Animated Series adopted “Jack Napier” as the Joker’s name (or, perhaps, just an alias he used while he was a mobster and hitman).