Is the universe telling you to stop what you are doing?

Is the universe telling you to stop what you are doing?

Here are eleven common warning signs from the Universe that are telling you to stop what you’re doing: For example, you might get stuck in traffic, miss your train, find that the flight tickets are booked out, or find that a spontaneous event arises which messes up your plans.

Are you experiencing warning signs from the universe?

Remember that any warning signs from the Universe that you experience are there not to hurt you, but instead, are there to alert you. Sometimes warning signs even come in the form of a big slap to the face saying “wake the heck up!!”

What if a lot of bad things happen to you?

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When bad things happen to you, you have the right to feel angry, hurt, sad, and scared. You have the right to feel wronged. When a lot of bad things are happening to you, you have the right to feel all those ways a whole lot more.

How is the universe present in our lives?

Most people are surprised to discover that the Universe is extremely present in our lives, and emerges in even the most mundane details. In every moment we can tune into the guidance, wisdom, and love of the Divine if we are open and receptive.


Will the universe send signs of change?

The Universe will send ample signs! You needn’t worry. And when you do receive these signs, don’t fret either. As long as you pay attention, ask the Divine for further guidance, and strive to change course, you will quickly shift back onto a healthy and beneficial path.

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Is the universe always reflecting back to US?

That means that the universe is always reflecting back to us our own perspectives. These may not always be our conscious or deliberate perspectives, but our reality is a reflection of the vibration that we are giving off.