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How does Buddhism describe love?

How does Buddhism describe love?

While hopeless romantics will describe love as the great ineffable, Buddhist philosophy provides us with a simple but profound definition: love is a genuine concern for another person’s well being. It’s quite simple: if you care about someone, you love them. If someone cares about you, you are loved. That’s it.

What do the Buddhist say about meeting your soulmate?

As the Buddhists say, “If you meet somebody and your heart pounds, your hands shake, your knees go weak, that’s not the one. When you meet your ‘soul mate,’ you’ll feel calm. No anxiety, no agitation.”

Do Buddhists believe romantic love?

In Buddhism, marriage is not a religious obligation, a means for procreation, or a romantic notion of love. It is simply an option for each individual to make. If an individual believes marriage will bring them happiness and keep them on the path of enlightenment, then they are free to make that choice.

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Can Buddhist monks have relationships?

The Five Precepts are considered an important source of authority in Buddhism. ‘Do not engage in sexual misconduct’, instructs Buddhists to be content within marriage and not to commit adultery as this will cause suffering. Buddhists monks choose not to marry and remain celibate while living in the monastic community.

When you meet a true friend you will be bound together?

There is a saying: “When you meet a true friend, you will be bound together through space and time for 500 years.” I became bound together with Howard Eichenbaum a little more than 36 years ago.

Is there sexism in Buddhism?

Buddhism Today Today, Buddhist women in the West generally consider institutional sexism to be vestiges of Asian culture that can be surgically excised from dharma. Some western monastic orders are co-ed, with men and women following the same rules.

What does the Buddha say about romantic love?

If romantic love has these four elements, it can bring a lot of happiness. The Buddha never said anything negative about true love. Romantic love, if you are successful, will cultivate a lot of loving kindness and compassion. And very soon, your love will be all embracing.

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Can Buddhists marry same sex?

The Rev. Koshin Ogui of the Buddhist Church of San Francisco performed the first recorded Buddhist same-sex marriage ceremony in 1970, and in the years that followed other Jodo Shinshu priests quietly but without controversy followed suit. These marriages were not yet legal, of course, but were performed as acts of compassion.

What does the Buddha say about love for Mother Earth?

Thay’s Response: The Buddha is a teacher of love. True love. Love for Mother Earth should be true love, and if it is true love, it can bring a lot of happiness to you and Mother Earth. Romantic love, if it is true love, can also bring a lot of happiness. But if it is not true love, it will make you suffer and make the other person suffer as well.

What is the view on marriage in Buddhism?

How Buddhism Regards Marriage. Buddhism, for the most part, considers marriage to be a secular or social contract and not a religious matter. Most of the Buddha’s disciples were celibate nuns and monks.