
How do I set up instant messaging?

How do I set up instant messaging?

Press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click each person you want to contact. Right-click any of the selected contacts, and then click Send an Instant Message. In the message input area, type a message, and then press Enter. The message will be sent to everyone you selected.

How can I make a messaging app like WhatsApp for free without coding?

Create your own chat app by following the steps given below:

  1. Enter the name for your messenger app. Choose a design template for your chat app and tweak it to your liking.
  2. Drag and drop your favorite features. Create a chat app without coding in just a few minutes.
  3. Publish your app to the store of your choice.

On which platform WhatsApp is developed?


Stable release(s) [±]
Written in Erlang
Operating system Android, iOS, KaiOS (There are also Mac OS, Windows and web app clients that work only when connected to the mobile app client.)
Size 178 MB (iOS) 33.85 MB (Android)
Available in 40 (iOS) and 60 (Android) languages
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What are examples of instant messaging?

8 Examples of Instant Messaging

  • WhatsApp. WhatsApp is a well-known instant messaging app that many users use to chat with friends and colleagues.
  • Skype. Though Skype is more popularly known and used for video calling, its instant messaging ability cannot be avoided.
  • ezTalks.
  • Viber.
  • Meebo.
  • Kik.
  • WeChat.
  • Messenger.

Is it possible to build a chat app like WhatsApp?

Considering to your objective business, it’s not about developing a traditional version of WhatsApp but ending up in building a modern chat app that will be identified distinctively by your users and ideal to any chat solution. Have You Ever Wondered What technologies Makes So Perfect to Bring a Splendid Chat App like WhatsApp?

What are the essential features of a WhatsApp-like app?

Before starting to develop a messaging app, let’s talk about the essential features of a WhatsApp-like application. Authentication in chat apps can be implemented in various ways: via phone number, email, or social media profiles. Most instant messaging apps require users to sign in with a phone number.

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What do you need to start a messaging app?

Start by understanding the tech stack that you’ll need. Recognizing users is vital for any mobile app. Any messaging app should include authentication to protect users from fraud and spam. Usually, this is done through a third-party API.

Why do we prefer instant messaging over social media?

Then, the social networking sites pierced into the mundane life to offer over the horizon connectivity. At the minute, instant messaging keep us engaged throughout by delivering a swift response. Moreover, we heightened fall for the convenience and comfort offered by the instant messaging app.