
Do Ron and Hermione make a good couple?

Do Ron and Hermione make a good couple?

Ron and Hermione are good for each other because they balance each other out. Hermione is cool headed where as Ron is hotheaded and jumps at people’s throats sometimes. Harry and Hermione could be worst for each other because Harry sometimes over powers Hermione and does what he wants.

Why are Ron and Hermione the best couple?

I have always loved Hermione and Ron together! They balance each other out nicely. Hermione has the sensitivity and maturity that Ron lacks, and Ron gets Hermione to loosen up and have some fun! I don’t feel like Hermione was written just to end up being the hero’s love interest, she is so much more than that!

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How did Ron and Hermione fall in love?

Of the two of them, it was Hermione who realized she liked Ron first as she dropped heavy hints in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire of her attraction. She fully realized she liked him by the time of the Yule Ball, but didn’t do anything because of Ron’s tactless behavior at the time.

Is Ron and Hermione relationship toxic?

3 TOXIC: RON COULD BE MEAN TO HERMIONE His insecurity and jealousy could also make him mean. This isn’t a healthy dynamic to have, and it continues the harmful trope in media that men who like women will show it by being mean to them. This is definitely one of the most toxic things about their relationship.

Was Ron Hermione’s first kiss?

1. Ron & Hermione, Deathly Hallows – Part 2. This is the kiss we had all been waiting for, and it turns out to be as epic as we had hoped. Ron and Hermione finally have their first kiss, drenched in water, moments after defeating a horcrux.

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Who is the love of Harry Potter?

Harry Potter’s love for Ginny Weasley (his future wife) made her the last person he thought about before facing his own death. Also when it seemed that Harry had been murdered by Voldemort, Ginny was beyond heartbroken and screamed louder than anyone else, alongside Ron and Hermione.

Are Hermione and Ron from Harry Potter a couple?

Ron and Hermione becoming a couple at the end of Harry Potter series did not surprise most fans, but here are things about them that don’t make sense. Ron and Hermione becoming a couple at the end of the epic tale of the Harry Potter series did not surprise most fans.

Did Harry Potter and Hermione Granger have feelings for each other?

On the contrary, there were moments from which it could be concluded that Hermione and Harry did not have only friendly feelings towards each other: You certainly remember the scene when Harry took Hermione to his parents’ grave. Wishing Harry a Merry Christmas Hermione uses magic to create a floral wreath to decorate the tomb.

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Was Hermione Granger ever bullied by Ron?

Hermione, in fact, was bullied by Ron in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Before the trio fights the troll together, Hermione overhears Ron making fun of her.

Which Harry Potter couples would have been the best together?

While Hermione and Viktor might not have lasted long either, they might have been better together than Hermione and Ron. This is the only couple on this list that’s not from the original Harry Potter movies.