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How well do paramedics predict admission to the hospital a prospective study?

How well do paramedics predict admission to the hospital a prospective study?

Paramedics predicted 202 (22\%) patients would be admitted to the hospital, of whom 124 (61\%) would go the ward and 78 (39\%) would require intensive care. The actual overall admission rate was 21\%, although the sensitivity of predicting any admission was 62\% with a positive prediction value (PPV) of 59\%.

What factors must be considered when deciding how a patient will be transported?

Safety, of you, your partner, your patient and the public, should be top of mind when deciding how best to transport your patient. As any seasoned emergency vehicle operator can tell you, civilian drivers tend to make interesting decisions when they suddenly see flashing lights behind them.

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In which cases should you call an ambulance instead of driving to the hospital ER?

When should I call an ambulance?

  • The person’s condition appears life-threatening.
  • The person’s condition could worsen and become life-threatening on the way to the hospital.
  • Moving the person could cause further harm or injury.

Which of the following types of consent allows treatment of a patient who is unconscious?

Implied consent can also arise in emergency treatment situations, especially when the patient is unconscious. When immediate care is critical, the doctrine of implied consent usually allows treatment to be provided if the patient can’t give express consent.

Which of the following is an example of a symptom?

A symptom is the subjective experience of a potential health issue, which cannot be observed by a doctor. Examples include stomach cramps as a result of eating undercooked meat, a throbbing headache brought on by stress, or an overwhelming feeling of fatigue.

Which of the following patients has decision making capacity in can legally refuse emergency medical treatment?

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Understanding Viable Alternatives. To assess capacity, a physician also needs to clarify whether the patient is informed of his or her options, in other words, alternative treatments and the risks or benefits associated with those alternatives.

Is the manner in which the EMT must act when treating patients?

The manner in which the EMT must act or behave when caring for a patient is called the: standard of care. Two EMTs witnessed a call in which a coworker gave adequate medical care but ignored the patient’s emotional needs.

Can a patient ask an ambulance to take them to hospital?

Patients can ask an ambulance to go to a specific hospital even if it is on diversion The ambulance will take a patient where he or she requests — unless, in the view of the paramedic crew, doing so violates local or state protocol or would endanger the patient. Ambulances don’t have to obey diversion but usually do

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Can a paramedic choose which hospital to take you to?

Paramedics have a certain pull when making decisions. While they can’t choose which hospital to take you to, they can report specific medical conditions that require a specialized facility. The systems used can vary considerably among states and even counties.

What happens when you call 911 for an ambulance?

You called 911. The ambulance arrives. What happens next isn’t always as simple as you might think. It’s easy to assume that every ambulance zigzagging through traffic is headed to the nearest hospital or to the emergency room best suited to care for the sick or injured person on board.

How long does it take for an ambulance to arrive?

In this region, an ambulance usually arrives within about 10 minutes. The number to call for an ambulance in the United States is call 911. When calling for an ambulance, do your best to remain calm and speak clearly.