
Why do teens behave differently?

Why do teens behave differently?

Since adolescents rely on their amygdala, emotions tend to be in the driver’s seat when it comes to decision making. Due to this, teens engage in risky behavior and can also lash out in the heat of confrontation. At times, their behavior can look very similar to an adult who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

How does teenage brain affect behavior?

Because the prefrontal cortex is still developing, teenagers might rely on a part of the brain called the amygdala to make decisions and solve problems more than adults do. The amygdala is associated with emotions, impulses, aggression and instinctive behaviour.

How are teenagers treated like children?

Teenagers are treated like children, yet are expected to act like adults. During school, teachers, principals and authority figures alike cannot go one day without a large lecture on how ‘high school’ students are in-fact young adults and should act accordingly.

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What are the expectations of a teenager?

Teenagers are expected to do well academically, and although we are treated like children (chastised into doing said homework) we are expected to act maturely. Teenagers are also expected to begin working within careers (like an adult would do) and become more financially independent.

Is it normal for teens to want to act like adults?

Same thing for teens: first act like an adult, then you get treated like an adult. It’s normal for teens to wish it worked the other way around, but it just doesn’t. It is a foolish parent indeed who gives a teen the adult freedom and authority they want, without them first demonstrating that they can handle it.

Should teens be allowed to do what they want?

If only parents understood: teens are neither child nor adult. They should be treated with respect like an adult and be permitted to do what they see fit (within law) if they prove themselves mature enough. At the same time, they aren’t adults yet, so obviously 18+ things shouldn’t be available to them, as well as slightly less responsibility.