
What is the first line of The Fountainhead?

What is the first line of The Fountainhead?

Stark as the architecture it exalts, The Fountainhead’s first sentence is a declarative, aggressively simple statement. We are told the hero’s name and a single verb. Three words stand alone on the page; Rand ends not only her first sentence, but her first paragraph there. The effect is that of freeze-frame.

Who is the hero of Fountainhead?

Howard Roark
Howard Roark, fictional character, the architect hero of The Fountainhead (1943), the first best-selling novel by Ayn Rand.

What is the theme of the fountainhead by Ayn Rand?

The Fountainhead is Rand’s tribute to the independent American spirit of individualism. This video lecture course is an introduction to this classic novel that includes background material on Rand and the era in which she wrote, an overview of the story, an analysis of the principal characters and detailed discussion of the main themes.

How does Ayn Rand portray Howard Roark in the fountainhead?

Ayn Rand’s answer can be found in her portrayal of Howard Roark, an innovative architect who, as she puts it, “struggles for the integrity of his creative work against every form of social opposition.” The Fountainhead is Rand’s tribute to the independent American spirit of individualism.

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What happens at the end of the fountainhead?

By the end of The Fountainhead, you’ll discover what it is that Toohey is really after, and understand why he is Ayn Rand’s embodiment of collectivism “not in politics, but in man’s soul.” “It stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there’s someone being served.

What does Ayn Rand say about egoism in Howard Roark?

In the story of Howard Roark and his struggle against a tradition-worshipping society, Ayn Rand offers, as she puts it, “a demonstration of how the principles of egoism and altruism work out in people and in the events of their lives.” “The egotist in the absolute sense is not the man who sacrifices others.