
Can you sue someone if you only know their phone number?

Can you sue someone if you only know their phone number?

Yes, a civil litigator would be able to physically locate the person’s address based in part on the information you have available. Whether counsel would be willing to take the case is another matter, given the (relatively) small amount of money in…

Can someone sue me with just my name?

In the US, there is no requirement that you be identified by your “legal name” in a lawsuit; in fact, if someone doesn’t know your name at all, but can describe you with sufficiently particularity, they can file what is commonly referred to as a “John Doe” suit with the intent of specifically identifying you at a later …

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How do I sue someone if I don’t know their address?

Here are a few ways that you may be able to use to locate the other party and to ultimately have him or her served.

  1. Personal Service.
  2. Send a Letter.
  3. Search for a Phone Number or Address.
  4. Use Social Media.
  5. Pay for a Person Search.
  6. Consider Contacting Others.
  7. Search Property Records.
  8. Use Another Address.

Can you sue someone for telling personal information?

Written defamation is called “libel,” while spoken defamation is called “slander.” Defamation is not a crime, but it is a “tort” (a civil wrong, rather than a criminal wrong). A person who has been defamed can sue the person who did the defaming for damages.

Can someone sue you without you knowing?

No it is NOT legal to be sued without notice. When someone is sued, they have to be served with the Summons and Complaint. The law allows for this, but very few people ever read those notices and realize they have been served and run to the court to file a response.

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Can I sue someone without knowing their address or full name?

Yes, you can sue someone without knowing their address or full name. However, you will have to properly serve them with the complaint and summons of your lawsuit and this will obviously be very difficult. You would have to hire a private investigator and it may not be worth it if they damages you are suing for are minimal.

Can an attacker get my full name from a phone number?

As such, a phone number may be enough to get your full name, which could be partially confirmed by an attacker who also knows your name. At that point, the attacker would know your full name and phone number. What can the attacker do? It depends. If you’re worried about online fraud – setting up a fake account with your name – it’s a real threat.

Is a phone number enough to identify a person?

The name you use should be the name your friends call you in everyday life and that our acceptable identification forms would show. As such, a phone number may be enough to get your full name, which could be partially confirmed by an attacker who also knows your name.