Can a Christian use marijuana?

Can a Christian use marijuana?

Use of marijuana hasn’t traditionally been a “gray area” for Christians. The drug was illegal, so it was off-limits to those who are “subject to the governing authorities” ( Rom. 13:1 ). But as recreational marijuana becomes legal in more states, some Christians are having conversations about whether there could be an acceptable use.

Does the Bible say anything about smoking marijuana?

They agree that while the Bible never mentions marijuana, it does prohibit intoxication. If one hit of marijuana makes you high, there’s no way to smoke it and obey the Bible’s commands against drunkenness.

Is the recreational use of marijuana a sin?

But of course, in almost all cases, the recreational use of marijuana is done with the intention of achieving some level of intoxication. And if the intent of the recreational use of marijuana is to achieve some level of intoxication, then it is clearly a sinful motive and action.

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When does marijuana become an idol?

If using marijuana is for the purpose of trying to escape something or trying to find comfort, it becomes an idol because we’re placing comfort in it above comfort in the Lord, and 1 Corinthians 10:14 tells us to flee from idolatry. As followers and righteous heirs of Christ, we need to be seeking the Holy Spirit as our comforter.

Is marijuana legal in all 50 states?

Although marijuana is still illegal under federal law, its legal sale commenced on January 1, 2014, in Colorado. This decision in Colorado opened the door to the legalization of marijuana for other than medical purposes in several other states, including California, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.

Is marijuana legal in Colorado?

(2) Not too long ago the citizens of Colorado approved Amendment 64 that allows “the personal use and regulation of marijuana” for adults 21 years and older. Although marijuana is still illegal under federal law, its legal sale commenced on January 1, 2014, in Colorado.