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Do INTJs make decisions quickly?

Do INTJs make decisions quickly?

INTjs are quite quick when it comes to certain decisions, but it’s the lack of a certain communcative ability (all) they have which might make them appear slow. When it comes to questions of procedure and protocol, INTJs are always bang on and dam fast at it.

Can INTJs be indecisive?

INTJ & INFJ. The INTJ and INFJ do not suffer from the same degree of indecision when it comes their beliefs and identity as INPs. Their dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), confers a greater sense of closure and conviction.

How do INTJs predict the future?

INTJs are capable of forecasting far out into the future with an astonishing level of accuracy. As a result, many INTJs avoid social settings and focus on ideas, projects, or work. They tend to form deep, close relationships with a small number of trusted individuals, and those friends mean the world to them.

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How does an INTJ move on?

They believe in moving on and making the choices that are most beneficial for their future. They don’t like allowing emotions to cloud their judgement, but that doesn’t suddenly make the pain easier to endure, it just means they focus more on the practical ways of overcoming things.

What is an INTJ personality type?

The Myers-Briggs profile states that an INTJ personality is comprised of having thoughtful, introverted, judging, and intuitive personality traits. This kind of person is self-sure and quiet. Even when a relationship with them doesn’t work out… both of the individuals typically walk away from the relationship and will have benefited from it.

Do intjs have problems with relationships?

An INTJ personality will always have trouble reconciling their inner visions with reality and that could cause INTJs problems with relationships. INTJ relationships are usually great because INTJ problems with relationships can be worked on and INTJs leave the relationship if it isn’t working out.

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Do INTJ’s value intelligence?

But as INTJs, we probably already know we’re smart; we’ve been told that all our lives. What we really value is what we do with it. This is because INTJs don’t view intelligence as a static thing (you’re either “smart” or “not smart” and that’s that). We view intelligence as a constant process of learning more about the world.

Who is the best partner for an INTJ?

A career-driven and ambitious ENTJ could be the best partner for an INTJ, as relationship compatibility with them is great. Since they have so much in common, there is plenty for them to discuss, so they don’t have to engage in small talk. Neither one of them is particularly emotional, and they are both highly independent.
